L1: It’s our first day of school. 今天是我們開學的第一天。
L2: Welcome to our class.歡迎到我們班來。
L3: Let’s make some cards for them.讓我們為他們做些卡片。
L5: Who knows the tenth month in English? It’s October.
誰知道第十個月用英語怎麼說? 十月。
L6: I want to run in the race.我想參加跑步比賽。
L7: When is your birthday? It’s on December 30th.你什麼時候過生日? 十二 月三十號。
L9: It’s sunny and warm today. 今天天晴並且很暖和。
L10: What’s the weather like today? It’s cloudy and rainy.
今天天氣怎樣? 多雲有雨。
L11: Do you get a lot of snow in Beijing? 北京下很多雪嗎?
L15: May I borrow your markers, please? Here you are.
請問我可以借用你的彩筆嗎? 給你。
L16: What do you collect, Guoguo? 果果,你收集什麼?
I collect rulers. I have twenty. I like them all. 我收集尺子。我有二十把,我都喜歡。
L17: Fifty minus ten is forty. Forty plus twenty is sixty.
L19: What is the date today / tomorrow? 今天/ 明天幾月幾號?
It’s November twenty-second / twenty- third. 今天十一月二十二號。/ 明天十一月二十三號。
L20: When were you born? I was born on January 29th.
你什麼時候出生的? 我是一月二十九號出生的。
How old are you? I’m eight.
你幾歲了? 我八歲了。
L21: We have our winter vacation in January.
L23: January 1st is New Year’s Day.
L24: What a beautiful Christmas tree!
L25: Welcome to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family.
1、你叫什麼名字?What’s your name? 我的名字叫李明。My name is LiMing.
2、這是一個男孩。This is a boy.
3、這是一個女孩。This is a girl.
4、這是一位老師。This is a teacher.
5、他的名字叫什麼?What’s his name? 他的名字叫李明。His name is LiMing.
6、她的名字叫什麼?What’s her name? 她的名字叫詹妮。Her name is Jenny.
10、你好嗎?How are you? 我很好!謝謝,I’m fine, thanks.
11、這是什麼?What’s this? 它是一所學校。It’s a school.
12、這是什麼?What’s this? 它是一本書。It’s a book.
13、見到你很高興.Nice to meet you. 見到你也很高興。.Nice to meet you, too.
14、你有多少本書?How many books do you have? 我有一本書。I have one book.
15、你有多少支鉛筆?How many pencils do you have? 三支。Three.
16、再見。回頭見!Good-bye. See you later!
17、這是王紅。This is a Wang Hong.
18、她是我的朋友。She is my friend.
19、打來窗戶。Open the window. 關上窗戶。Close the window.
21、開啟門。Open the door. 關上門。Close the door.
22、它是什麼顏色?What colour is it? 它是綠色。It’s green.
23、你感覺怎麼樣? How do you feel? 我感到高興。I feel happy.
24、摸你的頭。Touch your head.
25、拍手。Clap your hands. 跺腳。Stamp your foot.
26、揮胳膊。 Wave your arm. 搖腿。Shake your leg.
27、這是冷的。 This is cold. 那是熱的。That is hot.
28、你好了嗎?Are you okay? 沒有,我病了No, I’m sick. 我頭疼。My head hurts.
29、讓我們去看醫生。Let’s see a doctor.
30、你怎麼了?What’s the matter?
1. Hello! Hi!
2. Hello! I'm Wu Yifan. I'm from China.
3. What's your name?
4. My name's Chen Jie.
5. I have a pencil. Me too.
6. Good morning. Good afternoon.
7. This is Miss White. Nice to meet you.
8. Where are you from? I'm from America.
9. Let's go to school. OK.
10. How many cakes? One cake
11. How are you? I'm fine, thank you.
12. Let's paint. Great
13. I like green. Me too.
14. I have a rabbit.
15. Cool! Super! Great! Wow!
16. May I have a look? Sure.
17. Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome
18. I like hamburgers. Me too
19. Have some French fries.
20. Can I have some chicken? Sure.
21. How old are you? I'm nine.
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