:The Way to Success
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Honore De Balzac’s famous remark, “There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
The Way to Success
There are many ways to success, such as hard working, passion or good preparations. From Honore De Balzac’s famous remark, “There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power”, we can see that the way to success is having a strong will.
A strong will is essential if we want to achieve our goals. Initially, every success involves several stages of setbacks and risks, and we need to summon up our will to overcome them. Moreover, there are enormous temptations in our path of the pursuit of success. Only with a strong will can we resist the temptation, and persist in chasing our goals until we reach them.
The long history of human being has also proved that only those with a strong will can achieve success at last. We are all familiar with Thomas Edison’s story that he had tried one thousand
kinds of materials before he finally made his great bulb light up. Without a strong will, Edison might have been a nobody. Without a strong will, no one can succeed.
:Holiday Economy
2. 面對“假日經¬濟”的熱潮,人們態度各異
3. 在我看來…
Holiday Economy
Holiday economy is not new to people all around the world. In China, it stands for the nationwide one-week holiday starting from October 1st ***the National Day***. The government established the week-long holiday back in 1999 to stimulate domestic spending. Tour operators, retailers, and wedding halls have been cashing in ever since.
However, there are shifting perspectives about holiday economy. Many people, including some economists, think positively about holiday economy. They believe that tourism-based holiday economy has increased consumption and helped to spur the domestic demands. While others, who worry about the negative effect of holiday economy, argue that holiday economy do more harm than good. For example, during the extended holiday, scenic spots are overloaded with tourists, and it not only spoils the relaxing mood of the tourists, but also overburdens the tourist attractions.
In my opinion, both sides are reasonable. We should take good advantages of the holiday to develop economy while trying to tackle the problems existed with practical measures. Only in this
way can we not only enjoy the pleasure golden week endows us, but also promote the development of holiday economy soundly
:My View on Major Ranking
1. 當今社會,專業排名很流行
2. 各人看法不同
3. 我自己的觀點
My View on Major Ranking
In recent years, it is very popular to rank majors. Major ranking lists based on a variety of criteria can be found on some educational websites or newspapers. These lists have great influence on students and many of them have come to rely on these lists to make their major-choice decisions.
To this phenomenon, people’s opinions vary from each other. Some think that the results of the ranking are helpful for high school students to choose a major field of study, e.g., some lists tell people what majors will lead to decent jobs after graduation. Some people, however, believe that many lists are actually useless. Rankings are only about numbers and they do not tell you anything about the distinct nature of the major. Besides, some majors may be listed as hot majors when students enter colleges, but will be unpopular when they graduate.
As far as I’m concerned, we should not over-stress major ranking. It should be remembered that rankings can play a big role in the selection of a major but it should not be the only criterion. Many factors including your own perception of the major should matter in your final choice.
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