


  After lunch Aunt Huang came to my home. She looked ***1***______. “My parents arecoming,” she said, “and I have to go to the market. But my ***2***_____ is asleep. I can't leave herby ***3***______.” I said, “Don't worry. I can look ***4***_____ her.”

  “Thank you,” she said. Then she ***5***_____.

  The baby was about ten ***6***______ old. At first she was ***7***______. Half an hour later, she***8***_____ and began to cry. “Don't cry,” I said. I talked to her .But she looked at me and criedharder ***9***_____ harder. I turned on the radio. She stopped ***10***______ and listened to themusic.


  *** ***1. A. happy B. worried C. excited

  *** ***2. A. son B. parents C. baby

  *** ***3. A. she B. her C. herself

  *** ***4. A. after B. for C. at

  *** ***5. A. went B. left C. walked

  *** ***6. A. years B. month's C. months

  *** ***7. A. asleep B. awake C. playing

  *** ***8. A. picked up B. gave up C. woke up

  *** ***9. A. or B. and C. but

  *** ***10.A. crying B. to cry C. cried



  1.B. 根據下面介紹的原因可知Aunt Huang 肯定是很著急。

  2.C. 根據下文知道Aunt Huang 是將她的baby放在了家裡。

  3.C. 這是一個固定用法,leave one by oneself, 意思是“把……單獨留下來”。

  4.A. look after, look for, look at 分別表示“照看”,“尋找”,“看”,根據文章的意思,用look after 最佳。

  5.B. 聽完作者的話後,Aunt Huang肯定會放心地離開的。

  6.C. 由於是嬰兒,所以只有10個月大是合理的。

  7.A. 根據後面的句子可知開始這個孩子是睡覺的。

  8.C. 根據短語的意思可知答案。

  9.B. “比較級+and+比較級”表示“越來越”。

  10.A. “stop+不定式”表示“停下來去做某事”,所指的動作還沒有完成。“stop+動名詞”表示“停止做某事”,所指的動作已經完成。這裡所說的嬰兒已經開始聽音樂了,所以就不在哭了,因此應用動名詞。