Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is thegirl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successfulcomputer games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Nowall of her family work in her business, and she is still at school.
She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the businessover breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not oldenough.
She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. Sheusually gets ‘A’ grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help.
She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner,she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 am. Shedoes not usually need so much sleep as other children.
52. When did Wendy Wong start the business?
53. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?
54. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?
55. How about her grades in all her subjects?
56. How long can she finish her homework?
1. At the age of thirteen。所問的問題是“Wendy Wong什麼時候開始做生意?” 根據Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago***你曾經聽說過一個15歲辦了屬於自己的公司的女孩嗎? Wendy Wong就是這個辦公司的女孩,她兩年以前就開始做生意 ***就能作出上述回答。
2. Computer games。所問的問題是“她成功地寫出了什麼?”根據 She has already written several successful computer games***她已經成功地寫出了幾部遊戲程式***就能作出上述回答。
3. In her own car with a driver。所問的問題是“Wendy Wong每天怎樣去上學?”根據Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough***每天司機開著她自己的車送她去上學, 這是因為她年齡還小***就能作出上述回答。
4. She usually gets A grades。所問的問題是“Wendy Wong的學習怎麼樣?”根據She usually gets ‘A’ grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. ***在所有功課中,她通常都得優秀,因此,她的同學常常問她功課方面的問題***就能作出上述回答。
5. In half an hour。所問的問題是“她多長時間能做完作業?”根據She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home***在她的司機送她回家之後的半個小時內完成作業***就能作出上述回答。
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