The drums beat as the dragon boats race . Thismust be mainland China or Taiwan, right? Thinkagain. These days the traditional Chinese boats areracing in places as unlikely as England and Italy.Dragon -boat racing was introduced to the world in1982, when the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival1included international competitors. In the 1990s,dragon-boat racing caught on2 in many non-Asian countries. It quickly became the world’sfastest-growing water sport. What’s the appeal3 ? Dragon-boat racing combines athleticcompetition , cultural interest and just plain fun.
The boats are manned4 by 20 paddlers, one drummer and one person who steers. Nearly 18meters long, the colorful boats resemble dragons with elaborate heads and tails. The teampaddles to the beat of the drum. The boats speed along, rising high and moving smoothlyalong the water. In about three to six minutes, they cross the finish line.
The races recall Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in ancient China. When he drowned in the Mi LuoRiver, the people raced out to save him. But they were too late .
Dragon boats are now racing in towns and cities around the world. Students, working peopleand older people race for fun and exercise . Serious paddlers compete for cups and medals. Inthe United States, the Pacific Northwest International Dragon Cup is in its 11 th year. InToronto, about 250, 000 spectators turn out for dragon-boat races each summer. Swedenhas over 400 teams. Poland, too, has several dragon-boat clubs.
There are even consulting businesses to help people organize local dragon-boat events. Theyhelp with site selection, team training and safety. Besides that, non-profit organizations holdcompetitions to raise money.
And various regional and worldwide races — too many to name — keep serious paddlers busy.In September 2003 , Rome hosted the Club Crews World Championship. In 2004, world-classteams gathered in Shanghai for the fifth International Dragon Boat Federation races. In 2005 . . .
Going to Europe this summer? If so, just remember: When in Rome, do as the Chinese do!
Ⅰ. Complete each sentence with a pro per word , making changes where necessary: *** catch on,appeal, man, patriotic , spectator, consult, amateur, worldclass***
1. Lily is an _________tennis player.
2. Several thousand _________watched the basketball game.
3. That new hairstyle has really_________ . Many people have that hairstyle now.
4. This company does _________work. It helps people start business.
5. The girls _________will the radar till we get back.
6. Kim really loves her country. She is very_________ .
7. This is a _________restaurant. It is known for having excellent quality.
8. The new fashion soon lost its_________ .
Ⅱ. An swe r the followin g que stio n in your own words :
Why does the Dragon-boat Racing become so popular in the world ?
Ⅰ. 1. amateur 2. spectators 3. caught on 4 .consulting 5. man 6. patriotic 7 . world-class 8.appeal
Ⅱ. Because it combines athletic competition,cultural interest and just plain fun, and people of allages can take part in this activity.
Out With The Old, In With The New
Get ready to say goodbye to the old , hello to thenew! What’s the occasion ? The coming of the NewYear.
Many western cultures measure their days with thesolar calendar. Therefore, they observe 1 thecoming of the New Year on January 1. Cultures inAsia and the Middle East use other calendars, suchas the more ancient lunar calendar. They celebrate the New Year at other times. Events andrituals vary from country to country. But in each place, New Year celebrations are a big deal.
Most world cultures have been celebrating the New Year for centuries. The earliest New Yearcelebrations took place during spring or harvest time. With better weather ahead, or plenty offood to eat in winter, people naturally felt like having a party! As the days became longer and asnature renewed itself, people also felt like they could have a new start. Past disappointmentscould be forgotten. The New Year could bring better fortune , more opportunities and newchallenges. Such universal themes remain the same today.
New Year celebrations also involve having fun. The Hogmanay festival in Edinburgh, Scotland,features2 theater events, fireworks and dancing. During Hogmanay, Scots burn torches andbarrels of tar, an old practice for keeping evil spirits away. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the beachbecomes the stage for a huge New Year party. During the day, thousands of people throwflowers into the sea for good luck. In the evening, they enjoy music concerts and fireworks.Everyone is supposed to wear white — the auspicious New Year color.
Some cultures have unusual New Year traditions. Italians throw old things out of their windowsat midnight, symbolizing the departure of the old. Mexicans fire guns into the air to ward offmisfortune. Danes jump off chairs exactly as the clock strikes midnight, so they can“jump”intothe New Year. Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace on New Year’s Day. They hopeSaint Basil3, a popular Greek saint known for his kindness, will come and fill the shoes withgifts. In Vancouver, Canada, some people celebrate the New Year by jumping into the ocean .The water there is freezing cold! Therefore the event has been aptly named the Polar BearSwim4. As you might expect, most people come to watch the swimmers rather than swimthemselves
London, England, hosts an annual New Year’s Day parade that draws nearly a millionspectators. The largest parade in Europe , it features bands, floats and enormous balloons.These balloons are so huge that they tower over5 nearby buildings!
Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with proper words :
1. Therefore, they_______ *** 慶祝*** the coming of the New Year on January 1.
2. As the days became longer and as nature_______ *** 更新*** itself, people also_______ *** 想要***they could have a new start.
3. Everyone is supposed to wear white — the _______*** 吉祥的*** New Year color.
4. London, England, hosts an annual New Year’s Day parade that draws nearly a million_______ *** 觀眾*** .
5. The largest parade in Europe, it_______ *** 以……為特色*** bands, floats and enormousballoons. These balloons are so huge that they_______ *** 高於*** nearby buildings!
Ⅱ. Answer the following question in you own words:
Why did the earliest New Year celebrations take place during spring or harvest time?
Ⅰ. 1. observe 2. renewed / felt like 3. auspicious 4.spectators 5. features / tower over
Ⅱ. Because with better weather ahead, or plenty offood to eat in winter, people naturally felt like havinga party.
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