


  My dream is to become an orthodontist ***正牙醫生***, fly to new heights,and impact the world.Ever since the day I got braces ***矯正器***,I thought about how __1__ it would be for me to become an orthodontist and make other __2__ like me have more beautiful smiles.The thought of helping other people overcome the fear of their __3__ or self­esteem ***尊重*** became so real to me the day that I got my __4__ off two years later.After along thought,I finally came to a***n*** __5__ that I wanted to do my senior exit project on orthodontics.I am in the __6__ of doing my project now and I cannot wait to see the wonderful __7__ that I'm going to achieve.In the long run,I know it will be a great __8__ to me down the road,opening doors to my __9__ path.Another goal in my life is to fly to new __10__ and go where no one else has __11__ to go before.I am a big leader at my school and I try to do new things that are __12__ in order to make things successful.I try to reach to the highest in order to make every event and idea __13__ “with a bang!” I also want to do things to __14__ the world somewhere down the road.After seeing friends go into __15__,I have thought about being a __16__ missionary***傳教士*** in a third­world country for a couple of summers after I __17__ from the high school.I think it would be __18__ to impact the lives of powerless and torn people who need __19__ that seems unimaginable to them.I think __20__ more people reached out and conquered their dreams to help other people achieve theirs,this world would be a whole lot better of a place.

  【語篇解讀】 本文是一篇記敘文。全文記敘了自己少年時的夢想。自己想做一名正牙的醫生,讓像自己的少年有美麗的微笑。在看到朋友們做禮拜時,自己也想到第三世界國家做一名短期的傳教士,幫助人們擺脫無助的困境。

  1. A.tiresome B.occasional

  C.cool D.fortunate

  答案 C [聯絡空後的to become an orthodontist and make other __2__***teens*** like me have more beautiful smiles可知,作者認為幫助別人有美麗的微笑是一件很酷的事情。D有一定干擾性,fortunate意思是“幸運的”,因此可以排除。 ] 2.A.teens B.adults C.doctors D.patients

  答案 A [聯絡下文after I __17__***graduate***from the high school可知,作者還是一個未離開中學的少年。]

  3.A.image B.operation C.figure D.mouth

  答案 A [聯絡上文可知,作者想做一名正牙醫生,為的是改變那些少年的面部形象,因此用image。C有一定干擾性,figure側重於“形體”。]

  4.A.caps B.tools C.books D.braces

  答案 D [聯絡上文Ever since the day I got braces可知,這裡是表達“取下矯正器”。]

  5.A.stop B.decision C.conclusion D.end

  答案 B [空後的I wanted to do my senior exit project on Orthodontics是自己在長時間思考後做出的決定。 ]

  6.A.end B.process C.beginning D.trouble

  答案 B [聯絡空後的I cannot wait to see the wonderful __7__***goals***that I'm going to achieve可知,自己正在做這項工程的過程中。]

  7.A.scene B.occupation C.start D.goals

  答案 D [因為自己正在這項工程的進行中,因此迫不及待地想看看自己所要達到的目標。聯絡下文的Another goal in my life可以得此答案。]

  8.A.advantage B.honour C.chance D.pity

  答案 A [聯絡空前的In the long run和空後的down the road可知,從長遠看,沿著這條路走是有好處的。]

  9.A.graduation B.business C.career D.life

  答案 C [聯絡上文可知,作者想成為一名正牙醫生,因此說這是一項事業。]

  10.A.locations B.heights C.interests D.events

  答案 B [從下文的I try to reach to the highest可知,自己要飛到新的高度。]

  11.A.hoped B.expected C.needed D.dared

  答案 D [聯絡上文的new heights和下文的I try to reach to the highest可知,作者要達到別人不敢達到的高度。]

  12.A.cared for B.unheard ofC.put forward D.thought of

  答案 B [聯絡上文作者要到達別人不敢到達的地方,因此我們斷定他要做別人還沒有聽說的事情。]

  13.A.turn out B.move off C.go out D.die out

  答案 A [聯絡空後的with a bang,可知,作者想讓事情在驚天動地中發生。其他選項中,move off搬走,go out 出去,die out消失,滅絕。]

  14.A.change B.develop C.impact D.destroy

  答案 C [聯絡文章第一句and impact the world可以得出答案。impact the world在這裡的意思是“影響整個世界”。]

  15.A.missions B.difficulties C.traps D.films答案 A [聯絡上文可知,當看到如自己一樣的少年牙齒不正時,自己想成為一名正牙醫生,現在看到人們進行傳道活動時想成為一名傳教士。]

  16.A.long­term B.professional C.short­term D.part­time

  答案 C [聯絡空後的for a couple of summers可知,作者並非想長期做傳教士,只是想做兩個夏天的短期的傳教士。]

  17.A.attend B.graduate C.dislike D.abandon

  答案 B [聯絡上文可知,作者現在是十幾歲的少年,正在上中學,要到第三世界做兩個夏天的傳教士,因此應該是在他從中學畢業後,而不是上了中學。]

  18.A.tiresome B.harmful C.astonishing D.remarkable

  答案 D [聯絡空後的to impact the lives of powerless and torn people who need __19__***assistance***that seems unimaginable to them可知,一想到會影響到那些無助的貧困潦倒的人們,使他們得到似乎不能想象的幫助,作者感覺這是很美妙的。]

  19.A.assistance B.faith C.money D.laws

  答案 A [從空前的powerless and torn可知,這些人是需要幫助的。]

  20.A.since B.unless C.although D.if

  答案 D [聯絡本空所在的整個句子可知,第一個分句是表達條件。]