Our mothers are big liars. There, I said it.
When we were little kids, they told lies like “If you swallow a watermelon seed, it will grow inside your stomach”.
And they keep lying even now that we are grown up. But how can you blame a woman who sometimes lies to you because she loves you?
As Mother’s Day is upon us, let’s take a look at some of moms’ love-wrapped lies.
Nothing’s wrong; I’m fine.
It’s the biggest lie. Every time you asked your mom how she was, she would put up a smile and use this line, even when it was after a big fight with your dad or she was caught weeping in her bedroom. She never told you that she was heartbroken.
You are special.
Moms say it a lot. And for this reason, we grew up believing that we were truly outstanding and extraordinary–more talented and accomplished than our peers. Sadly, there would always come the day when we figured out that we were actually not.
This is going to hurt me more than it will hurt you.
How stupid of a statement is that, really, when you think about it? Sure, seeing you cry over a vaccination shot, being punished or getting dumped can be emotionally gut-wrenching for your mom, but will it hurt her more than it hurts you? Anyway, it’s sweet, isn’t it?
Slow down. You’ve got your whole life to be a grown up.
How true is this one? A recent UK survey shows that 88 percent of people quizzed think that their children are growing up too fast.
Your mom is just one of those parents who are really scared that their little boys or girls will someday outgrow them.
Those accessories do make my outfit look better.
When you insisted that her dress would be much improved if she wore the pair of big dangling earrings you gave her as a birthday gift, she never disagreed.
But if you were watching her closely, you’d have seen her slipping a couple of things from her jewelry box into her purse before she went out.
Sweet words for moms
Sweet words to text your mom or to add to a Mother’s Day card:
I want you to know you’re a wonderful mother and I’ve always known how lucky I’ve been throughout my life to have had you as my mom.
You were always there for me when I needed someone to be there, and I want you to know I will always be there for you.
I couldn’t have asked for a better mother. You’re always there to give excellent advice, make great food, or just listen.
I would not have been able to make this wonderful journey through life without you. You paved the road of my life with your support and love.
Thanks for always helping me to remember what is important in life ... and today it is you.
While it’s too late for a lot of things, it’s not too late for me to tell you that even though I may not always be good at showing it, I love you very much.
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