I have had so many teachers in my life, but those I have valued most are the teachers who taught me about love.
The person who smiles happily when they drop money in a charity box is a teacher of love.
The child who offers laughter and hugs more freely than an adult is a teacher of love. xiaogushi8 The person who gives corn to starving deer and feeds hungry birds with seeds in winter is a teacher of love. The big dog who shares half of its food and place in the doghouse with a little puppy on a cold night is a teacher of love. xiaogushi8 Everyone who spends their lives sharing great love through countless acts of kindness is a teacher of love.
You can be a teacher of love too. You can be a person who gives encouragement and joy to soul in need. You can be a person who cares for a sick friend, comforts a hurting heart and shares cheer fullness and kindness with everyone everywhere. You can be what life wants you to be—a teacher of beauty, glory and unconditional love.
修改膠帶 correction tap
書立 book stand
日記簿 diary book
檔案袋 expanding file
地球儀 globe
名片夾 name card holder1
辦公用大頭針 office pin
工字針 paper fastener
切紙刀 paper cuter
美工刀 cutter
總公司 Head Office
分公司 Branch Office
營業部 Business Office
人事部 Personnel Department
人力資源部 Human Resources Department
總務部 General Affairs Department
財務部 General Accounting2 Department
銷售部 Sales Department
國際部 International Department
廣告部 Advertising3 Department
企劃部 Planning Department
研發部 Research and Development Department***R&D***
祕書室 Secretarial Pool
Department可簡寫為 Dept.
高階管理 Senior Management
執行長/總經理 CEO/GM/President
副總經理 Deputy GM/VP/Management Trainee4
總監 Director
合夥人 Partner
總裁/總經理助理 CEO/GM/President Assistant
物流/貿易/採購 Logis./Trading/Merchand./Purch.
物流經理 Logistics Manager
物流主管 Logistics Supervisor
物流專員/助理 Logistics Specialist/Assistant
採購經理 Purchasing Manager
採購主管 Purchasing Supervisor
採購員 Purchasing Specialist/Staff
外貿/貿易經理/主管 Trading Manager/Supervisor
外貿/貿易專員/助理 Trading Specialist/Assistant
業務跟單經理 Merchandiser Manager
高階業務跟單 Senior Merchandiser
業務跟單 Merchandiser
助理業務跟單 Assistant Merchandiser
倉庫經理/主管 Warehouse Manager
倉庫管理員 Warehouse Specialist
運輸經理/主管 Distribution Manager/Supervisor
報關員 Customs Specialist
單證員 Documentation Specialist
快遞員 Courier
理貨員 Warehouse Stock Management
文字/藝術/設計 Writer/Editor/Creative Artist/Designer
市場/公關/廣告 Marketing/PR/Advertising
市場/廣告總監 Marketing/Advertising Director/VP
市場/營銷經理 Marketing Manager
市場/營銷主管 Marketing Supervisor
市場分析/調研人員 Market Analyst/ Research Analyst
廣告策劃/設計/文案 Advertising Creative/Design/Copy writer
財務/審計/統計/金融 Finance/Accounting/Banking
財務總監 CFO/Finance Director/VP
財務經理 Finance Manager
財務主管/總帳主管 Finance Supervisor
會計經理/會計主管 Accounting Manager/Supervisor
會計 Accountant / Accounting Trainee
出納員 Cashier
財務/會計助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant
財務分析經理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor
財務分析員 Financial Analyst