It was 4 p.m. on a recent Friday -- a time of the week when I usually relax and leave the rest of my to-do list to finish over the weekend. But as this recent weekend approached, I kept pushing myself, heart pumping, to get to the bottom of my list of planned tasks for the week.
那是不久前的一個週五,下午4點──通常在一週的這個時候我都會放鬆一下,將待完成的工作留到週末再做。但那一天,當週末漸漸來臨時,我還心如擂鼓地逼著自己完成當週的所有工作計劃。 讓你少奮鬥八年的工作經驗
After years of working on and off throughout most weekends, I was trying a new approach by taking off at least one entire day every weekend this month, away from reporting, writing and all other work. Early on, I hated it. As simple as it seemed, sticking to a time-off plan stressed me out at first. What I didn't see right away was that my little test was forcing me to improve the way I work.
Amid layoffs and burgeoning workloads, it seems, working any time, all the time, has become a habit. A survey of 605 U.S. workers last spring by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 70% of employees work beyond scheduled time and on weekends; more than half blame 'self-imposed pressure.' Now, new research suggests some have reached the point where a paradoxical truth applies: To get more done, we need to stop working so much.
在裁員大潮和工作量劇增的情況下,工作隨叫隨到、無休無止似乎已經成了習慣。人力資源管理學會***Society for Human Resource Management***去年春季對605名美國工人進行的調查顯示,70%的工人會超時工作,週末也要工作;一半以上的人說這是因為自己給自己強加的壓力。現在,新的研究表明,一些人已經到了適用於一個看似自相矛盾的原理的地步:要做完更多的工作,我們就得少做點兒。更多資訊請訪問:
A groundbreaking four-year study, set for publication in the October issue of Harvard Business Review, seems to confirm that getting away from work can yield unexpected on-the-job benefits. When members of 12 consulting teams at Boston Consulting Group were each required to take a block of 'predictable time off' during every work week, 'we had to practically force some professionals' to get away, says Leslie Perlow, the Harvard Business School leadership professor who headed the study.
《哈佛商業評論》***Harvard Business Review***10月號即將發表一項為期四年的研究,這一具有劃時代意義的研究似乎證實了,放下工作能夠給工作帶來意想不到的好處。負責這項研究的哈佛商學院教授佩羅***Leslie Perlow***說,波士頓諮詢公司***Boston Consulting Group***的12個諮詢小組的成員被要求每人每週固定休息一段時間,他說,事實上我們必須迫使一些專業人士放下工作。
But the results surprised Harvard researchers and Boston Consulting executives alike. Working together to make sure each consultant got some time off forced teams to communicate better, share more personal information and forge closer relationships. They also had to do a better job at planning ahead and streamlining work, which in some cases resulted in improved client service, based on interviews with clients. Boston Consulting is so pleased with the outcome that the firm is rolling out a similar teaming strategy over the coming year on many new U.S. and some overseas projects, says Grant Freeland, senior partner and managing director of the firm's Boston office. 'We have found real value in this,' he says. 'It really changes how we do our work.'
但這樣做的結果令哈佛研?a href='//'
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