Dear Theo,
Many thanks for your letter, I was glad to hear you arrived home safely. I missed you the first few days and it felt strange not to find you there when I came home in the afternoons.
We have had some enjoyable days together, and managed to take a few walks and see one or two sights between the spots of rain.
What dreadful weather! You must have sweltered from the heat on your walks to Oisterwijk. There was harness racing yesterday for the Exhibition; but the illuminations and the fireworks were put off because of the bad weather, so it’s just as well you didn’t stay on to see them. Regards from the Haanebeek and Roos families.
Always your loving Vincent.
Dear Theo,
Flügel, Flügel über's Leben!
Flügel über Grab und Tod!
That is what we want, and I am beginning to understand that we can get them. Don' t you think Father has them? And you know how he got them? By prayer and the fruit of prayer - patience and faith ?- and from the Bible that was a light on his path and a lamp 燈 ahead of his feet.
This morning I heard a beautiful sermon on the theme : Forget what is behind you; thepreacher said for example: Have more hope than memories ; what there has beenseriousness and blessed in your past life is not lost; wait no longer therefore, you will find it elsewhere , but advance All these things have become new in Jesus Christ .
Keep heart and believe me,
Your loving brother, Vincent
If it was true that youth and adolescence are only vanity - of course, if one takes into account what is written above and if one dreams that a well employed youth is a treasure , although he breaks off andresumes later, we would have to strive and hope to become men like our father and others . We hope on these two, and pray. Compliments to all that may ask after me.
You know the etching by Rembrandt , “Burgomaster Six,” standing reading before the window? I know that Uncle Vincent and Uncle Cor are very fond of it, and I sometimes think they must have resembled him when they were younger. You also know the portrait of Six when he was older. I think there is an engraving of it in the gallery at The Hague . His life must have been beautiful and serious.
真槽糕的天氣!徒步到奧斯特韋克市你 一定熱得難受。這次展覽會昨天有場轡馬賽;;但由於惡劣的天氣,燈飾和煙花被推遲了,幸好你沒繼續呆下去看。
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