1.不要自卑,你不比別人笨;不要自滿,別人不比你笨。Don't feel inferior You are not more stupid than others Don't be complacent Others are not so stupid as you
2.大多數人想要改造這個世界,但卻罕有人想改造自己。Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to change themselves
3.一個偉大的人有兩顆心一顆心流血,另一顆心寬容。A great man has two hearts one heart bleeds, another heart tolerated
4.勤奮的含義是這天的熱血,而不是明天的決心,後天的保證。The meaning of diligence is the blood of this day, not the determination of tomorrow, and the assurance of the day after tomorrow
5.生活的激流已經湧現到萬丈峭壁,只要再前進一步,就會變成壯麗的瀑布。The torrent of life has sprung up to the precipice, and if it goes one step further, it will become a magnificent waterfall
6.沒有什麼事情有象熱忱這般具有傳染性,它能感動頑石,它是真誠的精髓。Nothing is contagious like enthusiasm, it can touch the hard rock, it is the essence of sincerity
7.一個能思考的人,才真是一個力量無邊的人。A man who can think is really a boundless man
8.讓咱們將事前的憂慮,換為事前的思考和計劃吧!Let's turn the worries before us into thinking and planning ahead of time
9.給自己一個目標,讓生命為它燃燒。Give yourself a goal and let life burn for it
10.生活中的許多事,並不是我們不能做到,而是我們不相信能夠做到。Many things in life are not what we can not do, but we do not believe that we can achieve them
11.一生中你唯一需要回頭的時候,是為了看自己到底走了多遠。The only time you need to go back in life is to see how far you have gone
12.握住失敗的手,讓我們一起走向成功。Hold the hand that has failed, let us go to success together
13.不要讓追求之舟停泊在幻想的港灣,而應揚起奮鬥的風帆,駛向現實生活的大海。Do not let the boat of pursuit anchor in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sails of struggle, sail to the sea of real life
14.忘掉失敗,不過要牢記失敗中的教訓。Forget your failures, but remember the lessons of failure
15.自然界沒有風風雨雨,大地就不會春華秋實。Without natural wind and rain, the earth will not be full of spring and autumn
16.選擇一條適合自己的路堅持走下去,只要堅持,就會取得成功。Choose a path that suits you and stick to it If you stick to it, you will succeed
17.沒有目標的學習是空學,沒有方法的學習是死學。Learning without goals is empty learning
18.失掉信用的人,在這個世界上已經死了。Those who lose credit are dead in this world
19.理想的人物不僅要在物質需要的滿足上,還要在精神旨趣的滿足上得到表現。Ideal characters should not only meet material needs, but also meet spiritual interests
20.生命對某些人來說是美麗的,這些人的一生都為某個目標而奮鬥。Life is beautiful for some people They all fight for a certain goal in their life
21.盡平時最大努力,爭中考最好成績。Try your best and strive for the best results in the middle school entrance examination
22.成功的人找方法,失敗的人找藉口。Successful people find ways, and those who fail find excuses
23.如果要挖井,就要挖到水出為止。If you want to dig a well, you have to dig it out
24.清貧,潔白樸素的生活,正是我們者能夠戰勝許多困難的地方!Poor, simple, simple life is precisely where we can overcome many difficulties
25.充滿著歡樂與鬥爭精神的人們,永遠帶著歡樂,歡迎雷霆與陽光。People who are full of the spirit of joy and struggle always bring happiness and welcome thunder and sunshine
26.拒絕嚴峻的冶煉,礦石並不比被髮掘前更有價值。To reject severe smelting, ores are no more valuable than before being excavated
27.大器不必晚成,趁著年輕,努力讓自己的才能創造最大的價值。Big devices need not be late, while young, strive to create the greatest value of their talents
28.拼一個秋冬春夏!贏一生無怨無悔!A autumn winter, spring and summer! Win a life without complaining!
29.有決心,就有力量;有毅力,就會成功!If you have determination, you will have strength; if you have perseverance, you will succeed
30.態度決定一切。細節決定成敗,習慣成就人生。Attitude determines everything Details determine success or failure, habit makes life
31.好的木材並不在順境中生長;風越強,樹越壯。Good wood does not grow in prosperity; the stronger the wind, the stronger the tree
32.學習不是一朝一夕的事情,需要平時積累,需要平時的勤學苦練。Learning is not a matter of time We need to accumulate in peacetime
33.平凡的腳步也可以走完偉大的行程。Ordinary footsteps can also take a great journey
34.跑昨越快,遇到風的阻力越大。阻力與成就相伴隨。The sooner we run, the greater the wind resistance Resistance is accompanied by achievement
35.學習正如挖井,再堅持一會兒也許便可以喝到甘泉。Learning is like digging a well, holding it for a while, maybe drinking sweet spring
36.日日行,不怕千萬裡;時時學,不怕千萬卷。多練多乖,不練就呆。Every day does not fear tens of thousands of miles Practice more and practice well, but stay foolish
37.耕耘者的汗水是哺育種子成長的乳汁。The sweat of the cultivator is the milk that breeds the seeds
38.困難,激發前進的力量;挫折,磨練奮鬥的勇氣;失敗,指明成功的方向。Difficulties, stimulate the strength of progress; setbacks, temper the courage of struggle; fail to point out the direction of success
39.生命之燈因熱情而點燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。The lamp of life is lighted by passion, and the boat of life goes forward by struggle
40.挑戰極限,無悔人生奮力拼搏進取,譜寫風華篇章。Challenge the limit, no regrets, strive for progress and write a brilliant chapter
41.愚蠢的人總是為昨天悔恨,為明天祈禱,可惜的是少了今天的努力。A fool always regrets for yesterday and prays for tomorrow
42.對生活微笑吧,這樣,你能察覺它的美。Smile at life, so you can perceive its beauty
43.苦心人,天不負,臥薪嚐膽,三千越甲可吞吳。A man of painstaking care does not lose his wages, but he is willing to swallow three thousand
44.人的理性粉碎了迷信,而人的感情也將摧毀利己主義。Human reason shatters superstition, and human feelings will destroy egoism
45.勤奮是成功之花的蕊,是理想之舟的帆。Diligence is the flower of success and the sail of the ideal boat
46.使我們摔交的往往是我們的朋友。Those who make us fall are often our friends
47.我只有奮力奔跑句子大全才能看見光亮認知方向。Only by struggling to run can I see the direction of bright cognition
48.先相信你自己,然後別人才會相信你。Trust yourself first, then others will believe you
49.世間最美好的東西,莫過於有幾個頭腦和心地都很正直的嚴正的朋友。The best thing in the world is to have a few friends who are honest and strict minded
50.山不辭土,故能成其高;海不辭水,故能成其深!The mountains do not leave the soil, so they can become high; the sea does not leave the water, so it can become deep
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