


  The Side Braid


  The pieces slipping down in front are key. Wave your hair first and start braiding very close to the nape of the neck. And keep the ends undone—a dab of styling cream will help break them up.


  The Peekaboo Braid


  Use a combination of beach spray and wax pomade to rough-up your hair. Tease and backcomb the section you're going to braid before you start.


  The Double French Braid


  Part the hair in the center and divide into three sections. Twist the middle portion back, leaving the sides out. Then, loosely French braid the two side sections to the nape of the neck before wrapping them into a chignon with the rest of your hair.


  The Fishtail Braid


  Simply break the ponytail into two ropes, take a skinny section from the left and add to the right, then repeat to the ends of your hair.


  The Classic French Braid


  It doesn't get any simpler than this classic style, but there are a few keys to getting it right. Keep the sections loose in your hands—and don't pull them snug as you braid.



  rift zone 斷裂區

  shield volcano 盾狀火山

  silicate [化] 矽酸鹽

  silicon [化] 矽

  sodium [化]鈉

  solidification 凝固

  solidify 使凝固,鞏固

  dormant volcano 休眠火山

  Volcanic Explosivity Index 火山爆發指數VEI

  bomb 火山彈

  ash 火山灰

  block 火山塊

  the eruption of volcano 火山爆發

  accumulation 積聚,堆積物

  active volcano 活火山

  Alaska Volcano Observatory 阿拉斯加州火山觀察站

  aluminum [化]鋁

  Archean [地質]太古代的

  archeology 考古學

  ascending 上升的,向上的

  ash particle 灰燼微粒

  basaltic lava 玄武岩火山石

  basin-shaped 盆狀的

  blast 一股氣流,爆炸,衝擊波

  blob 一滴,一團

  blocky 短而結實的,斑駁的

  bombs 火山口噴出的大堆球狀熔岩

  bowl-shaped crater 碗型的火山口

  calcium [化]鈣元素符號ca

  caldera 噴火山口,凹陷處

  carbon dioxide [化] 二氧化碳

  cinder cone 火山渣形成的圓錐體

  composite volcano 複式火山

  congeal 使凍結,使凝結

  conical hill 圓錐型的小山

  Cotopaxi 科多帕希火山在厄瓜多北部

  coulee 深谷,熔岩流

  craggy 陡峭的

  demolish 毀壞,破壞

  dense clouds of lava fragments 濃密的火山岩碎片

  descend on 襲擊

  destructive power 破壞力

  devastate 毀壞

  diameter 直徑

  dike 堤防

  dissolved gases 稀釋的氣體

  dormancy 睡眠,冬眠

  dormant 睡眠狀態的,靜止的

  Earth's crust 地殼

  geothermic 地熱的

  ejected material 噴射出來的物質

  emission 光、熱等的散發,發射,噴射

  erosion 腐蝕,侵蝕

  formation of cone 火山口的形成

  lava flow 熔岩流

  eruption 爆發,火山灰

  evacuate 撤退

  exhume 掘出,發射

  fannning 鋪開,展開

  extinct volcano 死火山

  lapilli 火山礫

  lahar 火山泥流

  tephra 火山噴發碎屑

  pyroclastic flow 火山碎屑流

  scoria 火山渣

  fertile 肥沃的,富饒的

  fissure 裂縫,裂溝

  flank 側面