下面是小編整理的在辦公室英語情景對話, 希望對大家有幫助。
Manager : Rudy, will you please make ten copies of this report?
Rudy : I'd like to, but the photocopier is out of order.
Manager : Then use the xerox machine.
Rudy : It broke down one year ago.
Manager : Oh, forget it then. Hey, I told you to put files on the "in" tray, not on my desk.
Rudy : The pile is over ten feet high. I'm afraid it'll fall all over and bury you underneath if I put this file on top of it.
Manager : Very funny. What's wrong with you today? You are my secretary and you are not supposed to talk to me in that tone of voice. Didn't you know that?
Rudy : What do you expect? I've been working for you for three years, and you've never given me a holiday. I don't feel well today because I have a terrible headache. I'm not in the mood for being gentle and polite. If you can't stand it, it's your problem. I'm not going to change because I think it suits you best.
Manager : Keep your voice down, Rudy. I know you've had a hard day today, but you should at least show some respect for me. If you really don't feel well, go home. There isn't much work today anyway.
Rudy : I apologize for forgetting myself, but I do need some time off.
1. xerox machine 影印機
2. to forget oneself 失態
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