There are many books in my house, have a father, also have a mother, many of them are mine. These books have thick have thin, in my book, my favorite is Shang Sulan wrote "the stupid Wolf school life".
It is very interesting, especially to see "although stupid Wolf knows nothing about art, but, at the end of the semester, the school to carry on the talent competition, stupid Wolf but get the best performance award", I'm curious, can't wait to read it. Turned out to be a brown bear make a prank help honest kind of stupid Wolf, meaning, and won the award for best performance.
The book still has a lot of wonderful, always provoked me laugh, when you taught me a truth - to be a honest and kind person. Please be free to take a look at this book! You will like me, like it.
I like reading very much. The fairy tales are my favorites, such as Grimm's Fairy Tales,Anderson's Fairy Tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tales most, such as Shuke and Beita and many other books. The roles in his fairy tales are so funny. Sometimes, I think they are around me. They are my classmates or my friends. Therefore, these stories are also my own stories. And, his books also teach me to be a good kid.
Since I see the movie Harry Potter, I like it very much, I am very impressed by the magical world, so I decide to buy the book. There are seven books, I read them all. Harry Potter is my favorite book, I learn many things, no matter how hard the difficulty is, I will never give up, I should have Harry's courage.
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