復旦大學投毒的教訓The Lesson From Poison in Fudan University
Last year, a tragedy happened in Fudan University, a postgraduate was poisoned by his classmate and died, now more than a year has passed, his classmate who killed him got caught and the law declared him to carry the dead penalty. The murder was so regretful that he made apologize to both parents and the society for the negative effect he had caused. Dead penalty is so brutal, but the murder deserves, we must learn the lesson. When we get angry, we should not think about punishing others, we must calm down and have a talk to others, so that the problem can be fixed, or we will make the unforgettable mistake. Study is important, but we should not ignore the cultivation of moral and personality, the society need the person who is talented and kind-hearted. The poison case is nearly over, while its lesson is never over.
早戀合適嗎?Is Puppy Love Suitable?
High school students are in the sensitive age. On the one hand, their bodies grow fast and on the other hand, their minds start to know more about the sexual difference. So the teenagers are eager to have someone to love, while not only the teachers but also the parents try to stop teenagers to have puppy love. In my opinion, teenagers are so young, they are na?ve and don’t know the meaning of love. What’s more, having the love relationship will distract their attention from the study. So it is not suitable for them to have the puppy love. But love is human being’s normal demand, the teachers and parents don’t have the rights to stop to love someone. It is wise to educate them, letting them know the disadvantages. So the teenagers will make their own choice.
接納不完美的一面To Accept the Imperfect Side
When my friends ask me to take pictures of them, they will take a lot of pictures and then only keep a few of them. Because they are not satisfied with most pictures, they think they are not perfect. Actually, when I look at the pictures, there is nothing serious in my eyes, everyone in the pictures look as they are. People chase for the perfect side, that’s why more and more people choose to have the plastic surgery. Take the celebrities for example, they look beautiful enough, but to make themselves look perfect, most of them take the plastic surgery, which makes them look unnatural. People have to cost the great price for chasing the perfect side, while no one is perfect. If we accept our imperfect side, we will live in the easy way and can enjoy the life.
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