Who is it - -Usher into we who are ignorant the spacious classroom, teach us abundant knowledge? You! Teacher! You use the diligent sweat, have fed the tender seedling that just broke ground in springtime. Who is it - -Educate we who are naughty to show
consideration for and help others' person? You! Teacher! Your spring breeze just which seem nice and warm of care has made our soul warm.
Who is it - -Foster we who are immature into the ripe and sensible teenager? You! Teacher! Your protection lets us grow up healthy and sound. Forge the outstanding achievement in gold autumn season. You have worked hard! Teacher! People working hard in the heat and severe cold. You have worked hard! Teacher! There are no people devoting it. We extend the lofty compliments to you! --You have worked hard, teacher!
Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.
Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.
A Loving Teacher Things our grown-up mind defies Appear as giants in children's eyes. A gentle touch upon her head A simple word when kindly said. Complete attention when she calls. Her knowing you have given all. Correcting in a loving way. Instilling trust in what you say. Making her believe unique The tiny flaw upon her cheek. Admiring old and faded dresses. Reminding her we all make messes. Words of comfort you've softly spoken A promise you've made she knows won't be broken. Your knowing her doll that was lost today Is just as important as bills you can't pay. Helping make her plans and schemes Giving her hope and building her dreams. All of this and so much more Is in her mind forever stored.
They who touch her life awhile Can either make or break that child. Education is important, true, But so much more, her faith in you. You've weathered through the storm and strife; You helped to build a small girl's life. You're truly one to be admired. For you gave more than was required.
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