DORIS: You're late.
LEO: I know I'm late. I'm sorry.
I tried to call you to tell you, but your phone seems to be disconnected.
DORIS: My phone?
LEO: Yes. An automatic message says your phone is not in service.
DORIS: Really? I had no idea. Let me check.
Yes, it's dead. There's no dial tone.
LEO: So I couldn't get through.
I knew I'd be late because my car wouldn't start.
It was too cold I had to warm it up in the garage with a heater. That's why I'm late.
DORIS: But this is terrible. I'm expecting important calls.
LEO: About what?
DORIS: You know what.
The theater guild is supposed to call me and discuss a contract for my play.
They are supposed to call me this evening.
If I don't have a phone. Oh, what can I do?
LEO: Well, the only thing you can do is tell the phone company and hope they fix it fast.
DORIS: Do you have a cell phone?
LEO: No. I hate cell phones.
But you could go to a neighbor's house and use their phone.
DORIS: Can you drive me?
I will go to Ann's house. It isn't far.
I can call the theater guild from there and give them her number.
She will let us wait in her living room.
LEO: Yes, of course I can drive you.
So you don't want to get your phone fixed right away?
DORIS: Yes, I do.
At Ann's house I will call the phone company and have them check my line.
If they can fix it right away without coming to my house, then we'll just return here.
But if not, I need to wait at Ann's house to talk with the theater guild.
It's very important to me.
LEO: Alright, let's go.
DORIS: Yes, let's go.
ELIZA: There is a tornado warning on. My mother just told me she heard it on the radio.
LEE: What is a tornado warning?
ELIZA: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area.
LEE: Really? In New Berlin?
ELIZA: No. Not necessarily in town. But in southern Wisconsin somewhere.
A tornado has been spotted. They have two stages here.
This is what is called a "tornado watch."
That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado.
LEE: I understand. They think a tornado might come.
ELIZA: Yes. People should look out, because maybe there will be tornadoes coming.
So it's called a "watch."
LEE: And the second stage is called a "tornado warning".
ELIZA: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a "tornado warning".
So if there's a tornado warning on, it means a tornado is out there somewhere.
LEE: It's scary.
ELIZA: Well. Tornadoes can be dangerous, it's true.
If we hear something like a loud train coming, then we have to go in the basement.
LEE: What do you mean "a loud train"?
ELIZA: That is what tornadoes sound like. They sound like trains. They're very loud.
LEE: But if you hear them coming, isn't it already too late?
ELIZA: Maybe. It depends on the tornado.
Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour.
That is very fast. Others aren't so fast.
LEE: Have you seen a lot of them?
ELIZA: I've only seen one in my life. I was looking out the window.
It was around two miles away. It was very interesting to watch.
But it was heading toward my friend's house. So I quickly called them on the phone.
LEE: Did it hit their house?
ELIZA: No, it didn't. But they are glad I called them.
LEE: What were they doing when you called?
ELIZA: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV.
They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.
If it had hit them, they could have all been killed.
LEE: That's terrible. Do many people die in tornadoes?
ELIZA: Not so many really. But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes.
SALLY: Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet.
KAREN: I'm glad to help you. What's wrong?
SALLY: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L.A.
Hank and I will be flying there tonight.
KAREN: I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her?
SALLY: Doctors aren't sure yet.
But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold,
and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her.
KAREN: You need a babysitter.
SALLY: Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight.
Maybe even for two nights.
KAREN: I could have Suzy stay at my place.
SALLY: I don't want to do that to you, Karen.
KAREN: Why not?
SALLY: Your own kids would get Suzy's cold.
I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask.
I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days.
KAREN: I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston.
She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job.
I know her from my church, and I trust her completely.
SALLY: I'd like to talk with her.
This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight.
KAREN: I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible.
SALLY: I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this.
I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it.
But I'd rather have someone a little older.
KAREN: I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself.
SALLY: Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free.
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