








  I used to have some very precious lollipop. One is winnie the pooh, a tigger and a cute little pig. I have been for a long time to eat, it's been six months lollipops are stiff, mother said: "you don't eat ah, these sugar is expired, can no longer eat." Listening to my mom, I filled my stomach with the same candy bars. I was five years old.

  Why do I love these lollipop? Because they were given to me by Father Christmas. For many years I have been as convinced as any other child that there is Santa Claus in the world, until I grow up to know that Santa Claus is played by mothers.

  Nowadays Christmas is a western holiday, but with the improvement of people's living standards, we now attach great importance to this western festival. In kindergarten, the teacher said, "on Christmas day, Santa will give presents to good children." I came home curious and asked my mother, "is there Santa Claus in the world?" "Of course," said mom. "Santa will give presents to the most sensible kids." I listened to the excited wink and said, "mom and I want to be a good boy, too, and I want a gift from Santa."


  I look forward to the night when I finally arrived at the end of my bed with a couple of clean, clean socks and then I went to dream with a good heart... The next day I wake up skid up touch their baby socks found bulging, pour a look inside the balloon and gyro bed also neatly with three root lollipop. I was so happy that I jumped up in bed and said, "Father Christmas gave me a present. Santa sent me a gift..." My mother smiled. At that time I was convinced that there was Santa Claus in the world.

  Every Christmas in the future, I can receive unexpected gifts, balloons, puzzles, notebooks... I grew up a year in the joy of getting presents, and I knew that Father Christmas was just a child's fairy tale, played by mom and dad. My heart is filled with emotion, the love of my parents is like a guiding light of love, guiding my way forward, and I am growing happily in the midst of love. Who says inch grass heart, to make three chunhui. How do children cannot repay the parents' love, but I'll keep this love go down, I also want to like my mother when I grew up playing Santa Claus delivers gifts for my children.