失物招領和尋物啟事 Lost and Found
假如你是王利,在十五中工作,今天***2004年6月8日***早晨在上班的路上丟了手提包。 提包裡面裝有一支鋼筆,一把鑰匙和許多錢。
I lost my handbag on the way to work this morning. There is a pen,a key to the door and a lot of money in it. I wish the finder to return it to me very soon. Will the finder please come to the NO. 15 Middle School or call me?My telephone number is 8675331. My name is Wang Li. I'll pay him or her for it. Thank you!
A handbag with some money and a notebook was left in the school garden this morning *** Nov. 18th *** . Will the owner please come to Room 301,Building 14 and get it ?
我最喜愛的一本書 My Favourite Book
I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "Harry Porter" is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it. I think it's the best book I've ever read.
Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly. He devoted all this life into his beloved career as well. I, myself, was totally shocked by his character.
Such is human nature; people trace the good, water flows to low. Everyone should copy his sprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan “learn from Leifeng, our decent idol”, so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than conflict.
To help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing it. Take myself as an example. I am the representative of Math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, I would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correcting them.
I strongly propose that we shall see a better world if each of us treat Leifeng as our model and copy his spirit.
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