Doomsday 世界末日
Because of the fictionmovie Farewell Atlantis, the view ofdoomsday is making a great clamor. Mayans once predicted December 21, 2012 isthe end of the world. Under the influence of the movie, many people believethis saying. Or rather, doomsday means the end of human civilization. Actually,Farewell Atlantis is the alarm bell to human beings that we should protect ourplanet, culture and civilization. Otherwise, the doomsday will come soon.Besides, it reminds us of cherishing our families and friends, because younever know what will happen next second.
My Bedroom 我的臥室
I have a beautifuland sweet bedroom. My mother decorates it for me. She always says that a girldeserves a bedroom like a princess. The main colors of my room are pink andwhite. The wall, the bed and the chest are pink. And the desk is white. Thecurtains are beautiful with lovely followers on them. Every day when I open myeyes, I feel happy and beloved. I clean my room often and tidy my things up. Idon’t want it become dirty or in a mess. I am thankful to my parents.
同學聚會 A Classmates Reunion
I’m a middleschool student in Grade 8. Yesterday was Saturday and some of my classmates inprimary school had a reunion at our primary teacher’s home. Our teacher taughtus for four years and she treated as her own children. We loved her very much. Inthe afternoon, we just talked and shared our lives in middle school. Happily,most of us have a rich and happy life. Our teacher told us some interestingstories of her new students. After that, we made a big dinner together. Our teacheris a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods. We all ate much. Afterdinner, we watched TV for a while and then we went home. It was really a goodday.
Doomsday 世界末日
Because of the fictionmovie Farewell Atlantis, the view ofdoomsday is making a great clamor. Mayans once predicted December 21, 2012 isthe end of the world. Under the influence of the movie, many people believethis saying. Or rather, doomsday means the end of human civilization. Actually,Farewell Atlantis is the alarm bell to human beings that we should protect ourplanet, culture and civilization. Otherwise, the doomsday will come soon.Besides, it reminds us of cherishing our families and friends, because younever know what will happen next second.
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