While Popeye ate spinach everyday to maintain strong muscles, he was alsobettering his memory, maybe without even knowing it.
Consuming just a daily serving of spinach -- or any type of leafy green,for that matter -- may help slow the process of age-associated cognitivedecline, according to a new study.The reason? Vitamin K.
A group of researchers at Rush University in Chicago who analyzed the dietsand mental functions of 954 elderly people over a five year period found thatthose who incorporated more green in their diets were more likely to be mentallysharp.
芝加哥拉什大學的一組研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽狽治雋?54位老年人的飲食規律和心智機能,研究為期5年。研究發現那些平日多吃綠色蔬菜的人頭腦會更敏捷一些。
The researchers tracked the diets of participants, whose age averaged 81,for an average of five years. They found that people who ate one or two dailyportions of green leafy vegetables had the same cognitive abilities as someone11 years younger who never consumed leafy greens.
Beyond spinach, vegetables like kale, collards and mustard greens couldalso be effective in slowing down the brain's aging process. Previous studieshave found that both folateand beta-carotene are brain boosters, but this studyis the first to evaluate the benefits vitamin K has on the brain.
除了菠菜,像甘藍、甘藍葉、芥菜這些綠色蔬菜也能減緩人腦的衰退。之前的研究發現葉酸和 -葫蘿蔔素都是大腦助推器,但是這項研究是第一次評估出維他命K對大腦的益處。
“No other studies have looked at vitamin K in relation to change incognitive abilities over time, and only a limited number of studies have foundsome association with lutein," said Martha Clare Morris, Sc.D., assistantprovost for community research at Rush University Medical Center and the leaderof the study's research team. The team believes that other foods high in thesenutrients, like asparagus, brussels sprouts and carrots could provide the samebenefits as the darker greens, and they intend to expand their research toexplore this possibility.
The research holds promise for a brain booster that is accessible andaffordable.
The study was presented at the Experimental Biology meeting on March30.