Regardless of how much money some of these jobs pay, the thought of working them leaves plenty of Americans shaking in their boots.
From standing up in front of a crowd and telling jokes to spending the day working with deadly diseases, a number of jobs are just too scary for some employees to even fathom, according to new research from CareerBuilder. This year, politicians, microbiologists for infectious diseases, kindergarten teachers and crime scene investigators are among the jobs Americans fear most.
The study was based on surveys of 3,103 workers across a wide range of industries. CareerBuilder pulled employment data for each occupation from Economic Modeling Specialists Intl.For the study, CareerBuilder compiled the list of scariest jobs for Americans, how many brave souls actually hold the job and how much they're being paid. Here are the nine jobs that strike fear in American workers' hearts the most.
Politician: There are 56,857 politicians in the U.S. The median hourly pay for local and state politicians is $14.77, while the average salary of U.S. senators and members of the House of Representatives is $174,000 a year.
Microbiologist for infectious diseases: There are an estimated 20,800 microbiologists in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $33.27.
Security guard at teen pop idol concert: There are an estimated 1,163,023 security guards in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $11.88.
Kindergarten teacher: There are 158,084 kindergarten teachers ***non-special education*** in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $24.81.
Crime scene investigator: There are 128,432 detectives, criminal investigators and forensic science technicians in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $36.32.
Animal trainer: There are 32,360 animal trainers in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $12.24.
Mortician: There are 27,505 mortician, undertaker and funeral director jobs in the U.S. Their median hourly pat is $23.13.
Radio, cellular and tower equipment installer and repairer: There are 16,213 radio, cellular and tower equipment installer and repairer jobs in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $21.97.
Stand-up comedian: There are 37,272 jobs in this field that includes entertainers and performers, athletes and related workers in the U.S. Their median hourly pay is $16.89.
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