



  一、 單詞: live***單三***lives, want***單三***wants, half kitchen house toilet bedroom,

  living room bathroom study ***複數studies*** fridge dish***複數dishes***

  反義詞:dry-wet, dirty-clean,

  come***現在分詞*** coming make***現在分詞***making cook***現在分詞***-cooking

  watch***現在分詞***-watching sit***現在分詞***-sitting read***現在分詞***-reading,

  write***現在分詞***-writing do***現在分詞***-doing play***現在分詞***---playing,

  二、 課文重難點:

  1. at+較小的地點 如at school 、at home in+大地點 in China in Beijing

  2. This is “這是….”用來介紹他人。This is my friend, Li Ming.

  3. want 想要 want to do …想幹….. 如:I want to fly kites.我想放風箏。

  4.Li Ming’s plane will arrive at five o’clock. 幾點幾分用at

  5. What time is it now? It’s half past five.現在幾點了?現在5:30.

  6. Did you have a good trip? Yes, thanks. but I’m tired你旅行愉快嗎?是的,謝謝。但是我有些累。

  7. Let’s go home./ Let me help you.讓我們回家。讓我幫助你。

  8. learn English/Chinese 學英語/漢語

  9. This is / That is / These are/ Here is/ Here are

  10.I will show you the rooms in my house.我將領你們參觀房子的各個房間。

  11.on the first/second floor 在一/二樓***在幾樓要用序數詞和on***

  12.I make lunch in the kitchen 我在廚房做午飯

  13.I do my homework in the study.我在書房做作業

  14. Time for breakfast.= It’s time for breakfast.早餐時間到了。

  15. It’s time for sth./ It’s time to do sth .是做什麼的時間了。

  It is time for dinner=it is time to have dinner.

  16. Would like sth./ Would like to do sth.想要什麼。想要做什麼。

  17. What would you like for breakfast / lunch/dinner? ***三餐前面要用for***

  I would like…for breakfast / lunch/dinner?***通常would like 問would like答***

  18. Breakfast is ready. wash dishes make breakfast/lunch/dinner

  19. mum is cooking eggs in the kitchen 媽媽正在廚房煎雞蛋。

  20.Let’s put some dishes on the table.讓我們把盤子放到桌子上。

  21.I only ate an apple for lunch.午飯我只吃了一個蘋果。

  22. What’s for supper?晚餐有什麼?

  23. What are you doing? / We are washing hands. 你正在做什麼?我們正在洗手。

  What are they doing? ***通常doing 問 ing答***

  24. Now the dishes are clean and dry.現在盤子潔淨乾爽。

  25. I wash the dirty dishes.我洗髒盤子。

  26. May I help you? Sure.我可以幫你嗎?當然。

  27.watch TV / read the newspaper/write a letter

  28. Do you like this show? Yes,I do/No,I don’t.***通常do問 do 答***

  29. I am sitting at a small table.我正坐在小桌子旁邊



  一、單詞:always often sometimes never bus stop bus driver school bus

  subject class math science art PE music temperature,

  ***反義詞***hot---cold, ill-----healthy健康的


  1.一般情況下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds

  2.以s. x. sh. ch結尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches

  3.以“子音字母+y”結尾,變y為i, 再加-es,如:family-families, city - cities

  4.以“f或fe”結尾,變f或fe為v, 再加-es,如:leaf-leaves

  degree***複數***degrees box—boxes bus—buses

  tomato –tomatoes potato---potatoes photo-----photos ***土豆,西紅柿+es,其餘+s***

  man***複數***---men, woman***複數***---women, child***複數***---children foot***複數***---feet

  2. 頻率副詞用法:一般都放在動詞前,am/ is/ are的後面。

  如:He never wears dresses./ he is always late.

  二、 課文重難點:

  1.I always have my umbrella on a rainy day.我總是在下雨時打傘。

  2.Here comes the school bus.校車來了

  3. I live too far from my school 我住的離學校很遠。 on the school bus.在校車上

  4. Do you go to school by …? 你……去上學?

  5. Jenny often goes to school by bus.詹妮經常坐公交車去上學

  Sometimes she rides her bike. she never walks.有時她騎自行車。她從不步行去上學。

  一般現在時當主語為第三人稱單數***he, she, it***時,要用動詞的第三人稱單數,主語為複數時,要用動詞原型。如:Mary likes Chinese. We like cat。


  1***一般情況下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, bring--brings

  2***以s. x. sh. ch. o結尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes

  3***以“子音字母+y”結尾,變y為i, 再加-es,如:study-studies

  6. Where are you from? I am from China/ Bao Ding來自中國保定。

  7、What subjects do you have in your school?你在學校有哪些科目?

  8、How many classes do you have each school day? 每天你在學校有多少節課?

  Three classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.上午三節,下午兩節。

  9. How’s the weather today? It’s rainy.今天天氣怎樣?多雨。

  10. What’s the temperature? It’s ten degrees.氣溫多少度?十度。

  What’s the chicken’s temperature?雞的體溫溫是多少?

  11.The temperature of a healthy chicken is always 41.5degrees.健康的雞的體溫總是41.5度。

  12. This/That is a/an/one…+單個名詞

  These/ Those are ***some/many*** …+名詞複數

  13. These men /These women/ These children are young /singing/playing.

  14. Do you always…? / Does he often…

  15. walk to school / help his mother / ride my bike / do your homework

  16. Let’s put…for… Let’s put an A/O/S/N for always/often/sometimes/never.



  單詞: spring, summer, autumn, winter, scarf, ice, winter clothes

  put***現在分詞***putting、skate滑冰 think, teach,fall down fun, favourite

  leaf***複數***---leaves, snowman***複數*** snowmen,,

  反義詞put on ---take off up---down teach----learn

  rain***形容詞*** rainy, wind ***形容詞*** windy, sun ***形容詞***sunny,

  snow***形容詞*** snowy cloud ***形容詞*** cloudy


  1. There are four seasons in a year.一年有四季

  There is ice and snow in winter.冬天有冰和雪。

  2.The summer sun is hot.夏日的驕陽似火。

  3.The leaves turn red and yellow in autumn.葉子在秋天變成紅色和黃色

  4. What a hot, sunny day!多麼熱、晴朗的天啊!

  5. Jenny and Li Ming are going out to play with Danny.詹妮和李明要出去和丹尼玩。

  6. What do you like to do in winter?你冬天喜歡做什麼?

  7. I like to skate on the ice. 我喜歡在冰上滑冰。

  8. Can you skate? / Can you teach me? Yes I can. /No I can;t

  9. I want to go outside to play in the snow.

  10. Why? Because it’s cold outside.

  11.What a cold snowy day!多麼寒冷多雪的天氣啊!

  12.Let’s make a snowman.讓我們堆一個雪人。make snowmen / make a snowman

  步驟: First. make a big snowball for his body.

  Second/ Then. make a small snowball for his head.

  Third. put the small snowball on the big snowball.

  Fourth make a face

  13. I think I can.

  14.. I have two sticks for his arms. I have two stones for his eyes.

  I have a carrot for his nose. I have two potatoes for his ears.

  It doesn’t need legs or feet.它不需要腿和腳。

  15. a skating lesson .一堂滑冰課 an English lesson 一堂英語課

  16.I am going to teach you to skate.我要教你滑冰。

  17.Can you stand up on the ice?你能站在冰上嗎?

  stand up / come on / fall down

  18. teach +人***賓格***+ to do事情 I teach you to learn English.

  He teaches me to fly kites.

  19.Li Ming skates over to Danny.李明從丹尼身旁劃過。

  20.You learn fast.你學的很快。

  21. What’s your favourite …?你最喜歡的……. favourite前面用…..的

  22.I love to plant trees.我喜歡種樹。

  23. I like to do.我喜歡去做某事。



  單詞:Christmas, Christmas tree***s***, Christmas lights, holiday, song,

  card***s***, gift***s***, Santa, special,bring***單三***brings, west***形容詞***western

  Christmas tree 聖誕樹 / Christmas gifts 聖誕節禮物today, yesterday, tomorrow, often, find

  be***過去式***-was/were see***過去式***-saw bring***過去式***-brought

  walk***單三***—walks ***過去式***-walked bring***單三***---brings***過去式***---brought

  二、 課文重難點:

  1. What’s Christmas? It’s a Western holiday.聖誕節是什麼?是西方的節日。

  2. Who is Santa? He is a merry man in red clothes.他是一個穿紅衣服的快樂男人。

  Children say he brings gifts on Christmas 孩子們說他給孩子們帶禮物。

  3. invite +人+ to+地點.

  We invite our family and friends to our house.我們邀請我們的親朋好友道我們的家裡來。

  4.Merry Christmas!回答Merry Christmas!

  Happy New Year 回答 Happy New Year

  注意:Happy birthday 回答 Thank you

  5. bring +物品+ for +人***賓格***.

  They bring gifts for us.他們給我們帶禮物。

  I bring a book for him.我給他帶了一本書。

  6. give +人+物品.

  We give our family and friends gifts, too.我們也給我們的家人和朋友帶禮物。

  My mum always gives me a lot of love

  7. We have fun together.我們在一起很愉快。

  8. When is Christmas? It’s on December 25.

  9. What would you like? I would like…

  What would you like to do? I would like to buy a gift.

  10. put up a Christmas tree.我裝飾聖誕樹

  put up 裝飾,包裝 it them要放到put up 中間 put it up put them up

  步驟:First, I am going to put the lights on the tree.

  Then I’m going to put Christmas things on the tree. the star always on the top.

  Third/Next we put our gifts under the tree.

  11. be going to+動詞原形. What are you going to do?

  Danny is going to walk to the park.

  12. bring+物品 +for +人

  I am going to bring some lights for you.我要給你帶些彩燈。

  13.write +物品+ to +人.

  We are going to write Christmas cards to our friends and family.


  14. Are you going to send a card?

  15. Let’s find a card with Santa on it. 讓我們找一張有聖誕老人的聖誕卡片。

  16. Jenny’s family is getting ready for the Christmas holiday.詹妮一家正在為聖誕節做準備。

  Yesterday I helped Jenny put up the Christmas tree.昨天我幫助詹妮裝飾聖誕樹。

  Tomorrow we are going to buy Christmas gifts.明天我們要買聖誕禮物。

  17.Danny and Li Ming are shopping for Christmas gifts in a shop.

  18. buy+物品+for+人

  I want to buy some gifts for my family .我想給我的家人買些禮物。

  19.give +人+ 物品 give+物品+ to+ 人.

  I am going to give them a special gift from china for their Christmas tree.

  Lynn gives Li Ming the gift 琳給了李明禮物。

  Li Ming gives his gift to Mr. and Mrs. Smith.李明把禮物給了史密斯先生和史密斯夫人。

  20. What do you want to buy? I want to buy gifts.

  21. What would you like for Christmas?你聖誕節想要什麼?

  I would like a big new car.我要一個又新又大的汽車。

  22.Let’s go and see. 讓我們去看看

  23.I don’t think so 我不認為如此。

  24.Santa brought me toys.聖誕老人給我帶了禮物。

  25.I can take pictures and send them to my mother and father.


  26.This is for everyone.這是給每個人的。 it is from me.

  27.. I asked my mother to send it. 我讓我的媽媽寄過來的。

  ask+人+ to do

  My English teacher asks me to read English everyday