People said: " the village in Huangshi, Zhangjiajie. " In the afternoon, I'd like to have a look here how amazing, how beautiful.
We are unable to hold oneself back ground ropeway, came to the top of the hill. Here is the view of mountains and rocks.
First, the sky, the hills to look, the opposite cliff has a great void, to rain and fog, mist will from the holes to wear to wear to go, so named for the sky " ".
Next is the " flowers Fairy ", looking ahead, there is a similar to the fairy mountain, was carrying a basket of flowers, like flowers look, see the people applauded, all that nature is amazing.
Located in the northwest of Wulingyuan, it is in the neighborhood of Suoxiyu Valley and Tianzi Mountain. It has an area of 72,000 acres, an average rainfall of 1200-1600mm, an average temperature of 16oC and a frost-free period of 240-300 days. 97 percent of the park is covered with plants which have 98 families, 517 species, over twice the total in Europe. Its gymnosperm species take up half of the total in the world. Zhangjiajie opens to the outside at the beginning of the 1980s and is the earliest tourist zone exploited in Zhangjiajie. It is noted for its queer peaks, tranquil water and beautiful forests. It is the first National Forest Park approved by the State Council in 1982. Its main scenic spots include Golden Whip Stream, Huangshi Fort and so on. Numerous pinnacles rise abruptly from the level ground in the shape of huge bamboo shoots pointing to the sky. Both sides of Golden Whip Stream stand grotesque peaks and are covered with old trees and vines. The stream, like colorful ribbons, flows through valleys. Watching mountains on Huangshi Fort, one can't help acclaiming as the acme of perfection.
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