Have you ever had a bad break up? 你有過不好的分手經歷嗎?
Mike: Hello, this is Mike, from Singapore.
MJ: Hello, this is MJ, from Korea.
Mike: Ok, MJ. We are gonna talk about break up. So, have you ever had a bad break up?
MJ: Actually I didn't have any bad break up.
Mike: Lucky you.
MJ: Yeah, lucky me. Have you ever had one?
Mike: Yeah, actually. It's kind of funny, kind of funny story. Well, I was dating this girl for two, it was only two months. And during those two months, you know, we were like, we just quarreled a lot. It's a lot. But...so there was a day that I was about to enlist in the army and I told myself that I can't put up with this stuff any more, right? So, I just broke it off with her. And the best part of it was that, that night, I kind of thought like, oh, man, you know, I think like I made a mistake. So I called her, and I was like, "you know what, I'sorry for breaking up with you." And then she said, ?" OK, but now is my turn to break up with you"
MJ: She said that?!
Mike: Yeah, so from being...from dumping someone, I turned to be dumped within 24 hours.
MJ: Oh!
Mike: So that was actually fantastic. Yeah, and it kind of affected me for maybe just a few days.
MJ: So, after she said she don't want to meet you anymore, you didn't say anything to her?
Mike: Well, I kind of said like, you know I'm sorry and stuff but it didn't work, so it's cool. So that's about it. All right.
How many times do you exercise a week? 你每週鍛鍊幾次?
Diego: Hello, this is Diego from Mexico.
Elena: And Elana from Bulgaria. Today we are going to talk about how many times do you exercise?
Diego: I guess for me, that really depends on the week. I would try to at least exercise three times a week.
Elena: OK, that's great.
Diego: How many times a week do you exercise?
Elena: I try to exercise at least three times a week, too. Recently, I have a little bit more spare time, so I try to go to the gym or swimming at least three, four, maybe even five times a week.
Diego: Yeah, that's true. When I have more time in my hands, I like to go to the gym or to the swimming pool more often.
Elena: Yeah, it's nice to exercise.
Diego: Yeah, it's really good for your body. It also gives you more energy. Yeah, when you exercise you feel more active and you know, you just want to go for more and more and more.
What do you like most about your hometown? 你最喜歡家鄉的哪點?
Tlo Tlo: Hi, my name is Tlo Tlo and I'm from Botswana.
Resse: And I'm Resse from Botswana as well.
Tlo Tlo: So, our question is: what do you like most about your hometown?
Resse: I think I love the cooking.
Tlo Tlo: The cooking! What about the cooking?
Resse: I just love how so many people get together and cook such huge meals for special occasions.
Tlo Tlo: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's really common back home, eh?
Resse: I know, it feels like there's so much love in any situatation like weddings, or anything else that happens that worth cooking a big meal.
Tlo Tlo: Yeah, well basically, it's a really small country where we're from. It's a popululation of 1.8 million and the capital city is like 250,000 people. I love the fact that you seem to know most people actually, like if I was to mention someone right now, he would probably know him, know that person. Yeah, I just love the fact that we all kind of seem to know each other and it's cozy and, well, it's just a warm place to be and, yeah.
Resse: It's really a good place to grow up cause everybody grows up close.
Tlo Tlo: Yeah, we're close and grow up close and like the extended family. You find that most people are really close there, so there's not much distance between us actually. Yeah. So pretty much that. It's just the warmth, getting together as families during special ocassions and obviously enjoying the festivities. Yeah.
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