

  Would you rather work for a big or small company? 大公司VS小公司

  CleAnn: Nana, would you rather work for a big company or a small company?


  Nana: I would prefer a smaller company because with a smaller company I can actually make decisions which would affect people around, so I prefer smaller companies.


  CleAnn: Yeah and then you get an opportunity to meet more people right?


  Nana: Yeah.


  CleAnn: Me too. I think I prefer small companies because it would be better to meet people. But I like to travel though and I think sometimes the bigger companies have more opportunities to travel so maybe in that case I might want to work for a big company.


  Nana: Ah OK so ultimately you might want to work for a big company right?


  CleAnn: I'm saying it depends on whether or not I prefer just to meet a lot of people around me or if I want to visit a lot of different countries. Do you understand?


  Nana: Yeah, I understand.


  CleAnn: OK.


  How much sleep do you usually get? 你一般睡幾個小時?

  Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo and I am from Botswana.


  Resse: Hello, I'm Resse from Botswana as well.


  Tlotlo: And our question is how much sleep do you get a night?


  Resse: Maybe three or four hours on the weekdays.


  Tlotlo: My sleeping pattern has actually changed recently because I used to get about eight hours of sleep and these days I just get about five hours at most and sometimes even four, which is not really good.


  Resse: What changed, what happened?


  Tlotlo: School. School is really hectic so you get your sleep very early in the morning and obviously with school you have other activities going on, there's a lot going on because I'm in college now so basically there is a lot going on in my life at the moment, so my sleeping pattern has like drastically changed. From eight to four that's a very big change.


  Resse: A very big change.


  Tlotlo: Yes. So what about you?


  Resse: I think I play many games at home.


  Tlotlo: Yeah, I watch movies sometimes and it disrupts the sleeping pattern.


  Resse: But I think it's bad for my health, I think I need to start sleeping for eight hours a day.


  Tlotlo: I wish I could go back to that.


  What makes a good leader? 優秀領導人的特質

  Hanna: Hi, I'm Hanna from Australia.


  Diego: And I'm Diego from Mexico.


  Hanna: And today we're going to be talking about leadership. Diego, what qualities do you think a good leader needs?


  Diego: I don't know Hanna, let me think about it. I believe that a good leader should first have the initiative to start things and take the lead in everything from organizing activities to speaking before everyone else.


  Hanna: Yeah, I think charisma's a really important thing. If you can make a speech before a whole lot of people and have them listen to you, I think that makes you a leader. It doesn't matter what you say, people are always going to listen to what you're last saying if you have a lot of charisma. Do you agree?


  Diego: Yep and I think relations with people are really important. The way you treat people, it's the way those people are going to respect you. So if you have good relationships with people, those people are always going to follow you regardless of what you say and what you do. So I think it has a lot to do with how you treat people in the end.


  Hanna: Yeah.
