1. Milk fragrant, silky feel - Dove chocolate
2. You are the happiness of my life
3. Discovery of new Dove pleasant heart surprise
4. So pleasant heartbeat at your fingertips
5. Dove at the moment to do silk slip ***latest***
6. Jindi chocolate to the concentration of alcohol to love Jindi
7. To the people who love
8. Accompanied by beloved people, as well as the Emperor ""
9. Nestle chocolate is not just sweet ""
10. Let life more taste
11. "Nestle" resident in your heart
12. M & M chocolate insoluble in hand only dissolved in the mouth
13. pay-day chocolate next payday also?
14. Hsu good mind good equipment materials good natural products
15. Gillian Lin treasure yourself, start from the Gillian!
16. Yue strong concentration of chocolate thicker
17. Mu yarn chocolate at the moment confused Lost and confused moment
18. Cadbury Chocolates Love You Different
19. Shenfeng chocolate give you a Shenfeng chocolate, for everyone to try, let us sweet honey, life becomes happier
20. Lufthansa chocolate mortal irresistible
1. Save the Chocolate Each box is full of happiness
2. There is a wonderful heart inside it
3. You really have the best identification power of the British Royal candy company
4. Each box is full of happiness. Rescue Chocolate
5. If she is still cold and cold, and may wish to send a box of savior chocolate try. Rescue the chocolate is only soluble in the mouth, insoluble in the hand. M & M's chocolate candy
6. Will the next payday be? Pay-day brownies
7. Is not just sweet ... Nestle chocolate
8. Make life more delicious! Nestle chocolate
9. "Nestle" resident in your heart. Nestle chocolate
10. The most delicious British old-fashioned chocolate. British Candleberry food company
11. Give a friend a box of friends ----- chocolate chocolate you will soon understand why people call it "friendly messenger." Friend brand chocolate
12. Accompanied by the beloved people, as well as the Emperor ... ... Jindi chocolate
13. tablets mellow and delicious, always accompanied by health! Shanghai Amy think chocolate
14. Heart of the transmission, do in Amy! Shanghai Amy chocolate
15. Milk-rich farmers, silky feel ---- Dove Chocolate. British Dove chocolate
16. In the world of communication, only music and chocolate are not limited by the language.Japanese music chocolate candy Chocolate: taste of the tip, the praise of the young announcer. Japan's Meiji chocolate
17. The wise man treats the friend the top grade. Swiss chocolate company
18. Only soluble in the mouth, do not dissolve in the hand. Swiss chocolate company
19. Chocolate with the Alps. Swiss Chocolate Company
20. The Royal Sweets Company
1. Taste its strong atmosphere of milk,just like silk fly around you。
2. impossibleisnothing***adidas***
3. NothingcancomeofNothing.
4. BuyAustralian,Buyyouajob.
5. 1%i nspirationisbiggerthan99%perspiration.***Genius***
6. Tomorrow is always the busies t day!
7. Where there is marriage without love,there is love without marriage.***Lover***
8. Opinion covers over Facts.***Lawyer***
9. Anything is possible.
10. Father And Mother,I Love You!***family***
11. Obey your thirst.
12. Poetry in motion,dancing close tome.
13. Just do it.
14. Feel the new space.
15. Intelligence everywhere.
16. The choice of a new generation.
17. We integrate,you communicate.
18. No business too small,no problem too big.
19. Join World english,Enjoy English world.
20. Hershey, Pennsylvania:The Sweetest Place on Earth
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