Today, It is snowy. we make a snowman outside the house.
We are happy.
First.We make a big baII of snow.Then we make another snowbaII.This one is smaIIer than the first. We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII.We make another smaII snowbaII, we put it on top.
We make a face on the snowman.The carrot is his nose some LittIe rocks for his mouth and eyes.We have two sticks for his arms.
Snowman is wonderfuI!
I Like snowman.
First, we make a bigball of snow. Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller then the first, We put this snowball on that snowball. Then we make another snow snowball put it on top . Then we make face on the snowman. We have carrot is his nose.we have some rocks for his mouth and eyes.
Ok, the snowman is wondwrful.
First,we make a big ball of snow.Tenn we make another snowball,this one is smaller than the first.we put this snowball on that snowball.Now we make another small snowball.we put it on top.Let's make on the snowman.we have a carrot for his nose.we have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.we have two sticks for his arms.
ok!the snowman is wondwrrful.
Hi LiMing ,what else do you doin winter?sometimes we slide on the snow.sometimes we make snowmenon the snow.do you know what a snowmen is,LiMing?sure!we make snowmen in chain!
First,we make a big ball of snow,it must very big. Then we make another snowball.This one is smaller than the first.We put this small snowball on that big snowball.Now we make another small snowball.We put it on the top.Let's make a face on the snowman.We have a carrot for his nose.We have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.We have two sticks for his arms.Now it is ok!
I think the snowmen is wonderful!
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