I no longer feel devoted to this company. *devote 表示“把***努力、金錢、時間等***貢獻、花費在***工作、目的上***”。
I no longer feel attached to this company. ***我已經感覺不到這個公司的對我的引吸力。***
I don't feel loyal to this company any longer. ***我再也不會對這個公司忠心耿耿的了。***
That figures.
We have to work overtime again. ***我們還得再加班。***
That figures. ***果不其然。***
That makes sense.
No wonder. ***不足為奇。***
That explains it.
That's why. ***怪不得。***
It is just as I imagined.
What do you think? ***你認為如何?***
It is just as I imagined. ***正如我所想像的那樣。***
It's just like I dreamed.
It's exactly the way I thought it would be.
See, didn't I tell you so?
I shouldn't have done that. ***我真不該做那事。***
See, didn't I tell you so? ***瞧,我不早告訴你了嗎?***
See, I told you!
I told you, didn't I?
See, I'm right. ***瞧,我是對的吧。***
You should have listened to me. ***你早該聽我的。***
Good for you.
I lost. ***我輸了。***
Good for you. ***這是當然的。***
Serves you right. *serve…right 短語,表示“當然的報應”。
I got a speeding ticket. ***我超速挨罰了。***
Serves you right. ***活該!***
Well, you got what you deserved.
Well, that'll teach you a lesson.
That serves you right.
You deserve it.
You asked for it.
You were asking for it.
You got what was coming to you.
You never know.
I'll never win the lottery. ***我肯定中不了獎。***
You never know. ***很難說。***
Anything could happen. ***什麼事都可能發生。***
You can't be too sure. ***什麼事都可能發生。***
No wonder.
She's tired. ***她累了。***
No wonder. ***這不足為奇。***
That makes sense. *make sense “合乎道理”、“理所當然”。
It makes sense.
Ah, I get it. ***啊,知道。***
That's why…
She's very busy. ***她非常忙。***
That's why she's so tired. ***難怪她會很累。***
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