Southern China tiger living in the southern China forest, adult Southern China tiger weight is 130kg, length is 2m,
Mainly to the deer, goats and pigs for food, life span of 15 years. But now the Southern China tiger is on the verge of extinction, because a large number of people in order to obtain huge profits, they are the result of killing. Now only less than 100 live, it is over cut and polluted air, so that they have no place to live, and some of them are used to make fur clothing, so we need to make a plan to protect the Southern China tigers, stop killing them, so that they gradually recover, save the Southern China tiger is still a long way!
South China tiger, also known as "China tiger," China is a unique species of the tiger, living in south-central China. Identifying characteristics: a round head, short ears, large limbs, a strong, long tail, chest and abdomen miscellaneous more white, yellow and orange body covered with a black band. Subspecies of tiger is the smallest in size. Tiger-hung is about 2.5 meters ***plus head*** and weighing about 150 kilograms. Cihu is about 2.3 meters and weighing about 110 kg. 80-100 cm long tail. Fur there is also a short and narrow stripes, the stripes of the pitch than the Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, also often diamond-shaped side profile. The main living in the mountain forests. More people living alone, not in groups, at night, well-developed sense of smell, quick action, good at swimming, but we can not climb trees. Herbivorous animals to wild boar, deer, roe, and so on for food. In general, a tiger's survival at least 70 square kilometers of forest, it is also necessary to survive there are 200 deer, 300 antelope and wild boar 150.
華南虎亦稱“中國虎”,是中國特有的虎種,生活在中國中南部。識別特點: 頭圓,耳短,四肢粗大有力,尾較長,胸腹部雜有較多的乳白色,全身橙黃色並佈滿黑色橫紋。是亞種老虎中體型最小的。雄虎身長約2.5米***加頭***,重約150公斤。雌虎身長約2.3米,體重約110公斤。尾長80-100釐米。毛皮上有既短又窄的條紋,條紋的間距較孟加拉虎、西伯利亞虎的大,體側還常出現菱形紋。主要生活在森林山地。多單獨生活,不成群,多在夜間活動,嗅覺發達,行動敏捷,善於游泳,但不能爬樹。以草食性動物野豬、鹿、狍等為食。一般來說,一隻老虎的生存至少需要70平方公里的森林,還必須生存有200只梅花鹿、300只羚羊和150只野豬。
The South China tiger, like all other subspecies of tigers, are pure carnivores. The South China tiger prefers prey ranging between 30-400 lbs and have been known to eat livestock like cows and goats in the past when their population was much higher. They are expert hunters and will stalk and follow their prey for hours. South China tigers have an average speed of around 35mph, faster than most of its prey species, but they do not have enough stamina to maintain their top speed for long. These big cats kill their prey with a bite to the back of its neck ***usually for medium-sized prey*** or use suffocation hold on the prey's throat ***this is their preferred method of killing large-sized prey***. South China tigers can feed on almost anything, from small insects to Gaurs. Many humans died from South China tiger attacks in the past and they have been known as man-eaters when their population was much higher.
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