Production of raw materials is 3 pieces of bread, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of thin ham, butter 10grams.
Production method is a slice of bread should be slightly thicker, first put into the oven to yellowish, spare; beat the egg, put a little butter in a frying pan, the egg into the spread,into the side of ham, remove with knife and two incision, spare; put a slice of bread with butter. Shop the top cover ham and eggs, second slices of bread, put above the ham and eggs; then, put third slices of bread with butter, and the oil, and cut the sandwich face down cover, diagonal cut into two triangles into.
before we make the sandwich,we need to get some pieces of bread,sauce like salsa,some chicken,and vegetables with big or small the specific choices are according to your preference.first of all,we gotta fried the chicken if it was raw.secondly,spread some salsa on both pieces of bread.thirdly,put the vegetable which you washed beforehand on the bread which has been spread salsa on.at last,put the fried chicken between the two pieces of bread.by the way,all the sauce dosage are according to your different taste.now you can enjoy your delicious DIY food.
Last Sunday I went to see my aunt with my brother. My aunt made some beef sandwiches for us. They were very delicious. After lunch, I asked my aunt to teach me how to make a beef sandwich.
First, she put a teaspoon of butter on a slice of bread. After that, she cut up an onion and a tomato. She added them to the bread. Then she put some lettuce and four slices of beef on the bread. Next she put two teaspoons of relish on the beef. Finally, she put another slice of bread on the top.
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