SpongeBob SquarePants
海綿寶寶曆險記 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
海綿寶寶餐廳 SpongeBob Diner Dash Deluxe
海綿寶寶電影版 The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie ;
海綿寶寶漢堡冒險 Sponge Bob Eating Crab Fort
逃出海綿寶寶房間 SpongeBob Escape
1. Includes SpongeBob , Squidward , Patrick , and Gary minifigures, plus plenty of jellyfish!
套裝中包括海綿寶寶,沃得, 派克和蓋瑞人物玩偶和很多的水母!
2. Set includes SpongeBob, Squidward , Mr. Krabs and Plankton minifigures.
套裝中包括海綿寶寶, 沃得, 卡比先生和普拉肯人物玩偶!
3. Finally, push the green button *** circled ***, switch back to SpongeBob, and collect the Krabby Patties.
沒關係, 一直按著綠色按鈕, *** 譯者寫 *** 切換到海綿寶寶蒐集蟹皇堡.
4. SpongeBob SquarePants play, through a series of mini - games anxious to get back the stolen material!
扮演海綿寶寶, 努力通過一系列的令人忐忑不安的小型遊戲去找回被盜的原料!
5.Michael Jordan did fast food companies, kobe Bryant, and then you of course get all the cartoon characters like Sponge Bob and other things that over the years have been associated with a number of these products, so that--those attachments are very important. Yes?
6.My nephew smashing my brand new guitar to be like Spongebob. FML
7.One thing that may have helped is that SpongeBob lives in an undersea world without humansand overt cultural references.
8.Although characters such as Dora and SpongeBob SquarePants have been used to marketfruits and vegetables, they are most often used on chips, candy, and other unhealthy snacks.