

  畢業 [bì yè]


  to graduate


  to finish school





  He graduated from a school of crafts and arts.


  He is a graduate in medicine.


  He graduated from History Department.


  I am an arts graduate.


  He graduated as an M.D. at Edinburgh.


  Several decades have elapsed since I graduated from the college.


  Graduate dinner seems to be a necessary process.


  You graduated from high school as valedictorian.


  He is just a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.

  Excessive volatility in the foreign exchange is not desirable for globaleconomic growth 額賀福志郎說“外匯利率的過度波動不利於全球的經濟增長 ”

  Article The State Administration of Foreign Exchange shall be responsiblefor the interpretation of Rules 第二十一條本細則由國家外匯管理局負責解釋

  As a tool of investment, foreign exchange cash deposit transaction will beconducted some day 作為一種投資工具, 外匯按金交易的開展只是時間上的問題

  The study on foreign policy making is an important part of diplomacy andinternational relations 外交決策分析是外交學和國際關係研究中的一個重要領域

  The author hopes that this thesis can shed light on foreign language learningand teaching 筆者認為,在英語閱讀教學中運用語篇分析法是十分重要的

  At issue are China's rules regarding how tariffs are imposed on foreign - madecar parts 雙方爭執的問題是中國對進口汽車零件的徵稅規定

  Administration of Foreign Exchange is the approval of foreign exchange cashaccount is something 外匯管理局是審批外匯現匯賬戶的開戶事情

  Every country must keep a certain size of gold and foreign exchangereserves 每個國家都必須保持一定數量的黃金、外匯儲備

  Chinese foreign exchange reserve is a reciprocity outcome of all kinds offactors 我國持有現有規模的外匯儲備是國內外政治經濟因素綜合作用的結果

  Previous negotiations foundered on European objections to America's limitson foreign ownership of airlines 歐盟在先前的談判設定的前提是,反對美國在航空公司所有權上對外方的限制

  He listened to Howard give the valedictory address at high school graduation 他聽了霍華德在中學畢業典禮上作的告別演講。

  They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation 他們畢業後不久就大操大辦地結婚了。

  Vicky and Gary attended the graduation exercises at Columbia 維基和加里參加了哥倫比亞大學的畢業典禮。

  For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 需要指出的是,多數莫斯科女孩歲從學校畢業。

  About % of all students entering as freshmen graduate within years 所有入學新生中約有%在年內畢業。

  After leaving university, Therese decided on a career in publishing 大學畢業後,特蕾澤決定從事出版行業。

  Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate 現在他只需再修兩個學分就可以畢業了。

  She graduated with high enough marks to apply for university 她的畢業成績足以申請上大學。

  He left school with four A levels 他中學畢業時通過了門高階程度考試。

  They asked what his plans were after graduation 他們問他畢業之後有何打算。