1.a friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真交。
2.a friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情
3.a friend is a second self. 朋友是另一個我。
4.a friend is best found in adversity. 患難見真友。
5.a bosom friend afar brings distant land near. 海記憶體知己,天涯若比鄰。
6.a faithful friend is hard to find. 益友難得。
7.a father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父親是財富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。
8.a friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes. 朋友宣揚人的美德,敵人誇大人的罪過。
9.a friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 囊中有錢,不如朝中有友。
10.a friend is never known till a man has need. 不到患難時,永遠不能認識真正的朋友。
11.a friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 交友慢,失友快。
12.a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 廣交友,無深交。
13.a friend without faults will never be found. 沒有缺點的朋友是永遠找不到的。
14.a good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好書,莫逆之交。
15.a joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 開玩笑總不能化敵為友,反而有時會失去朋友。
16.a life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世無朋友,猶如生活無太陽。
17.a near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 遠親不如近鄰。
18.a ready way to lose friend is to lend him money. 失友皆從借錢起。
19.a thousand friends are few, one enemy is too many. 朋友千人尚覺少,仇敵一人猶嫌多。
20.a true friend is known in the day of adversity. 疾風知勁草,患難見真情。
21.admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公開場合又表揚你的朋友。
22.an empty purse frightens many friends. 囊中無分文,親友不上門。
23.be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 選擇朋友要審慎,摒棄更要審又慎。
24.better lose a jest than a friend. 寧可不說一句俏皮話,以免得罪朋友們。
25.choose an author as you choose a friend. 選書如擇友。
26.he that has a full purse never wants a friend. 只要袋裡有,不愁沒朋友。
27.life without a friend is death without a witness. 在世無朋友,死後無證人。
28.thy friend has a friend and thy friend’s friend has a friend so be discreet. 你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要謹慎小心。
29.trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 不要信賴朋友的讚揚,也不要仇敵的輕蔑放在心上。
30.we can live without a brother, but not without a friend. 我們生活中可以沒有兄弟,但不能沒有朋友。
31.we can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours. 生活可無友,鄰居不能無。
32.when a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 朋友的要求不要拖。
33.without a friend the world is a wilderness. 沒有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。
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