高中英語作文:What Study Can Bring About
Study has been the indispensable part of our life. For some people, study means to learn knowledge from school, which for others, they believe that study is happening all the time, and it is not limited in the regular learning. I believe that if we keep thinking, we are studying. Study brings us valuable things, and the most important thing is critical thinking. When we are babies, we get to know the world by imitating, but as we grow up, we will have our own opinion about the world. A complete person will not follow the crowd, he can figure out the truth and fake. Study also brings us a bigger world. The more we read, the farther distance we can reach. A person is easy to be stuck in the current difficulty, but if he can see the beauty of life, he will adjust himself and be positive to life.
優秀高中英語作文:Food Choice
According to the health report, obesity has become the main problem that annoys the teenagers. Especially in America, the rate of obesity is increasing every year, because of the fast food culture. Even in China, as more kids are in favor of fast food, their weight are over the healthy level. Making the right food choice can help them to reduce fat. Meat and vegetable are indispensable part of a meal, it is advocated to eat more vegetables. Look at those famous people who stay fit all the time telling people the importance of eating vegetable. Sometimes the conflict of different types of food is easy to be ignored, such as white radish and carrot, which should not be cooked together, because the nutrition will be decreased. If we want to eat in a healthy way, we’d better to stay away from junk food and make the right choice.
高中學生英語作文:Protect Private Information
Nowadays, with the popularity of Internet social software, many people like to post their daily schedules on the Internet, especially the teenagers, they want to catch more people’s attention. As the face to face talk is no longer the main way to make friends for the young generation, they get to know a person by being friends online, and then keep trace with the former information, then more private information will be found. As the exposure of privacy has been more serious and many teenagers haven’t realized the danger. Once the news reported a man kidnapped a girl by getting the information from her account. The girl liked to share her daily information, so the criminal guy got her schedule easily. This attacking incident happens all the time. We should learn to protect our private information. Never post the real details online.
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