body building apparatus
Fitness equipment
exercise equipment
健身器材配件 Fitness Equipment Accessories
固定式健身器材 Stationary training equipment
園內設有健身器材 Park with fitness equipment
健身器材模具 Fitness equipment mould
1. The village has gymnastical equipment, property management is rigorous, safety has safeguard.
社群有健身器材, 物業治理嚴格, 平安有保障.
2. IsoFit - pirates , gyrotonic, fitness physical training Yoga , body kinetics , Rommet technique posture , Allegro.
雷威信加洲健身中心-有私人教練指導健身方法 、 會所介紹和健身器材介紹等.
3. Mylife International Gym & Spa have famous " Life Fitness " Gym Facilities and Spa Equipment.
魅力寶國際健身美容俱樂部擁有一整套國際知名品牌 “ 力健 ” 的健身器材和美容裝置.
4. The combination of hi - tech with fitness equipment is a big trend.
5. People in the past had no access to such health - building facilities.
6. It has some state - of - the - art exercise equipment ..
7. Must meet prevailing commercial use fitness equipment standard.
8. I mainly cover the air - conditioning, electrical cabinets, fitness equipment, display stand products such as spray processing.
我公司主要是對空調外殼, 電器櫃, 健身器材, 展示架等產品進行噴塗加工.
9. Maiga: It'seems that the reason of the popularity of the fitness equipment is here.
麥加: 看來,健身器材的火爆原因就在這兒了.
10. Fitness Center gym treadmill, etc. to provide fitness equipment, swimming pool area of 300 square meters.
健身中心健身房提供跑步機等健身器材, 游泳池面積300平方米.
11. Gym at the Main, 8 th floor, to provide full - featured, high - end equipment of fitness equipment.
健身館設於主樓8樓, 提供功能齊全, 裝置 高檔 的健身器材.
12. Produced by sports fitness equipment, recreation supplies, safe and reliable, high performance, aesthetics comfortable.
公司生產的運動健身器材, 休閒用品, 安全可靠 、 效能卓越 、 美觀舒適.
13. Marketers of health foods and exercise equipment cater to this trend with appropriate products and communications.
14. This article will provide you with on how to shop for home fitness equipment in Arizona.
15. We have some of the latest gymnastic apparatus. Would you like to have a look?
我們這兒到了些最新的健身器材, 想看一看 嗎 ?
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