Set a goal for themselves,to achieve the target of even successful.
Do not other people than people who never get more than their intended target.
One of the greatest enemy is not others but himself,so defeat them you are a success!
Do not think of asking for the moon to set goals,an analogy:
You are doing a salesperson,not to think of how in a short time l manager,but first set the goal of how to rise to deputy manager,store manager,and then positioned into a successful company,then a senior,after the last and then work as a manager's seat!
People should be gradual and be successful!Asking for the moon is often inadequate.And powerless is the greatest enemy of success.
篇2:How to understand success?
It seems known that the money or wealth will be the only standard to mearsure one’s success,maybe they are right because it’ hard to find another mode to judge.But,in my opinion,money is not the only standard to be considered successful.As a matter of fact,the rich have many reasons to be rich,including opportunites and abilities,and sometimes they deserve the wealth because they have paid for it.I don’t belong to the gang who hate the rich.
But,I don’t agree with the point of view that the more you earn the more successful you are.Money is just the tool to achieve your goal but never the goal.Life is short!Be happy with your life,treating your lovers right and leading a colorful life are all more important than earning countless money.
What is success?I have gotten my own answer that is never giving up your dream with happiness!
Different people have different views on success. Some hold that making a great deal of money means success. Others argue that holding an important post in the government means success. Still others believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success.
In my opinion, success means brilliant achievement in our work. In other words, no matter what we do, making outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bringing help and happiness to others is success.
To achieve success, we should, first of all, have a clear long-term goal in our life. Besides, we should have short term goals in different periods of life. As we know, it is these short term goals that make our long-term goal possible. Second, we should be both perseverant and hardworking. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: success and failure. We should never lose heart when we come across difficulties or when we are confronted with failure. Instead, we should learn from our experience, build up our confidence and work even harder and smarter towards our purpose. Third, we should follow the examples of those who are successful and learn from them. Finally, we should try to get along well with our classmates and colleagues. We should care for each other and help each other in our study, our work and our life, because team work is of great importance in the realization of our dream.
If we can follow these principles, we will certainly achieve remarkable success in our life.
When doing the same thing,some people success but some fail.There must be many factors leading that result.In my view,the most important factor is the difference of confidence,determination and sociability are the foundation and condition of success.
First of all,no matter who want to success,they must have confidence,as confidence is the basic need for success.If someone always thinks he can’t do this or that well,then he can’t finish it well.For example,when a person is being interviewed,if he doesn’t believe he can do that job well,how can he act believable,so how can the interviewers trust his ability?Therefore,the interview is obviously a failure.However,if a person is confident,he can receive the opportunity to prepare for every challenge easily,which makes success become closer.
In addition,confidence just the door for success,if someone wants to get into the house of success,determination is necessary.The determined meet difficulties always overcome it and insist to the end.On the other hand,if someone is not determined,he would give up when facing difficulty.For instance,when doing homework,the person who is not determined always can’t finish perfectly and even copy from others when he thinks that homework is hard to finish.However,the person who is determined always can finish it well,because he know what he really wants and he is able to carry on.
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