Dear Honey Xin,
Haha... I think you must be surprised when you get this letter, it seems like that this is the first time that I write a letter to you, I must make it up for you cause I've never wrote a love letter to you before.
You've said that you want someone to send you a box snack as a gift, at the time when you are reading this letter you must be surprised cause you've complished your wish and you've got the snake which was I sent.
I know that I am not always the best, but some times I am always heartfelt, am I right?
This is a love letter in English, I think that you couldn't read it, please find a friend who can help to translate it for you.
Reminder to the one who will translate this for my honey, you should laugh out loudly when you are translating this letter, thanks.
Yours love,
Dear carefully:
Ha-ha. Baby received my letter you surprised? Looks like this is the first time I write to you, I think even a decent love letters and didn't give you written! So I want to make it up to you again.
You said you wanted someone to send you a box of snacks, so when you see this letter, you will have a pleasant surprise, that is I send you a box of snacks!
In fact, I know that sometimes I do not good enough, but sometimes I still heart, you feel?
This letter is in English, I estimate that you cannot read, find someone to help you bring.
A man or a woman, please you help him translation, must laugh oh!
Love your white!
You are in my thoughts every minute of the day.In my dream every hour of the nigt.please be my ralentine until the day I die.I promise to love you and cherish you forever more.I swear that I should never make you cry again.Let me love you.
Let me drown in your laughter.Let me die in your arms.Let me lag down beride you.Let me always be with you.the less my hope.the hotter my love.If I never loved Inever would have cried.Thinking of you still makes my heat faster !
Holding you,I am holding everying.You are everying to me.No one can love you as I do.you are in my heart,I can never lose you.And all for love .and nothing for reward.Nothing for reward .Nothing esle matters,your love to in is the most ,important thing I want.I take your hand in mine.
Yearning for happiness.My lover!
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