People told me that i would mess up my life
but i could not just deny the feelings
i felt inside of me
so sweet and indecently you pop on the scene
you just don't know how much you mean to me ***you you you you***
You make me smile
you make me laugh ***ooh***
you make me feel
you make me happy
i'm so glad i have you in my life
you make me smile
you make me laugh ***ooh***
you make me feel
you make me happy
i'm so glad i have you in my life
[Jermaine Dupri says Verse 2]
I have you in my life
i had to make a way for
you to have everytyhing you need, you need
i'll dry all your tears away
when you cry calm you fears
so don't you ever be afraid, be afraid naw
You make me smile ***you make me smile***
you make me laugh ***you make me***
you make me feel
you make me happy
i'm so glad i have you in my life
you make me smile ***ooh***
you make me laugh ***ooh***
you make me feel
you make me happy
i'm so glad i have you in my life
[Jermaine says Let's go to the bridge]
Everytime i see your face
[Jermaine says: What happened]
you remind me of how blessed i am
you make me
***oohhhh*** ***ohhh*** i'm so glad i have you in my life
***ooh yeahh ooh yeah*** i'm so glad i have you in my life
You make me smile
you make me laugh ***so glad***
you make me feel ***so glad***
you make me happy
i'm so glad i have you in my life
you make me smile ***oohhh***
you make me laugh
you make me feel ***thank you Lord***
you make me happy ***for my child, my child, my child***
you make me smile ***thank you Lord for my child***
you make me laugh
you make me feel
you make me happy
i'm so glad i'm so glad i'm so gladyou make me smile ***that you make me smile***
you make me laugh
you make me feel ***that you make me feel***
you make me happy
i'm so glad i ahve
you in my life ***to have you in my life, have you in my life***
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