I don’t think that a whale is a kind of fish.
According to the fact, I don’t think that you are right.
159. 你能同意那樣做我很高興。
I am glad that you can agree to do that.
160. 我想我們最好同意他的看法。
I think we had better agree with them.
161. 這臺電腦佔據了太多空間。
This computer takes up too much space.
162. 英國人喜歡談論天氣。
English people like talking about the weather.
163. 我們樂於談及過去的時光。
We enjoy talking of old times.
164. 我後天想要呆在家裡。
I would like to stay at home the day after tomorrow.
165. 前天,直到我做完了我的工作才回家的。
I didn’t go home until I finished doing my work the day before yesterday.
166. 我以前考慮要當一名工程師。
I used to think of becoming an engineer.
167. 建這座橋花了幾千人幾年時間。
It took thousands of people a few years to build the bridge.
168. 扔掉這些箱子是很浪費的。
It’s wasteful to throw away these boxes.
169. 天太黑,什麼也看不見。
It’s too dark to see anything.
170. 我試穿一下這件外套你介意嗎?
Would you mind my trying on this coat?
171. 嘗試這個主意怎麼樣?
How about trying out this idea?
172. 請你把收音機調低一點好嗎?
Will you please turn down the radio?
173. 沒關係!
That’s all right.
174. 我一到倫敦就給你打電話。
I will call you up as soon as I arrive in London.
175. 這本書過去屬於我的。
This book used to belong to me.
176. 我上學遲到了因為公共汽車壞了。
I was late for school because the bus broke down.
177. 我看見他闖入了。
I saw him break in.
178. 昨晚發生了一場火災。
A fire broke out last night.
179. 到目前為止他已經培養了幾百個孩子了。
She has brought up hundreds of children so far.
180. 他已建立起一個足球隊。
He has built up a football team.
181. 我偶然聽見她唱歌了。
I heard her sing by accident.
182. 順便說一下,我介意抽菸。
By the way, I mind smoking.
183. 我想召集所有學生開個會。
I would like to call in all the students to have a meeting.
184. 我看見一些樹葉落下來了。
I saw some leaves come down.
185. 我的新書已出版了。
My new book has come out.
186. 你的帳單共計 40 美元。
Your bill comes to forty dollars.
187. 太陽還沒有升起來。
The sun hasn’t come up yet.
188. 我總是把睡覺與死亡比較。
I always compare sleep to death.
189. 我媽媽喜歡把我跟別人比較。
My mother likes comparing me with others.
190. 我的夢想不再遙遠了。
My dream isn’t far away any more.
191. 請你幫我查一下下趟列車何時出發好嗎?
Would you please help me find out when the next train starts?
192. 你有兩個選擇:一是回去,另一個是逃走。
You have two choices: one is to get back; the other is to get away.
193. 靠近老虎是很危險的。
It’s very dangerous to get close to the tiger.
194. 他們一到田野就開始收割水稻。
They began to get in rice as soon as they got in the field.
195. 下車後你最好別脫外套。
You had better not get off your coat after you get off the bus.
196. 咱們儘快上車吧。
Let’s get on the bus as soon as possible.
197. 我通過電話告訴你我通過了測試。
I got through the phone to tell you that I got through the test.
198. 我每天盡力按時起床。
I do my best to get up on time every day.
199. 我過去常把一些舊書捐給了希望學校。
I used to give away some old books to the hope school.
200. 我會盡快把書還給圖書館。
I will give back the book to the library as soon as possible.
201. 她寧死不屈。
She would rather die than give in.
202. 別放棄你的希望。
Don’t give up your hope.
203. 幹吧!別擔心它。
Go ahead! Don’t worry about it.
204. 別走開!
Don’t go away!
205. 時間過的真快!
Time goes by quickly!
206. 繼續做運動吧。
Go on doing sports.
207. 繼續你的學業。
Go on with your school work.
208. 會議在繼續。
The meeting is going on.
209. 你出去時,請把燈滅了。
Please make the light go out when you go out.
210. 你必須按時上交練習冊,並且及時分發下去。
You must hand in the exercise books on time and hand them out in time.
211. 請稍等一下!
Please hang on a minute!
212. 別結束通話電話!我想告訴你重要的事情。
Don’t hang up! I would like to tell you something important.
213. 他經常得感冒。
He often has a cold.
214. 我以前聽說過他。
I used to hear of him.
215. 請隨便吃些魚。
Please help yourself to some fish.
216. 他經常幫我解決困難。
He often helps me out.
217. 她請我稍等。
She asks me to hold on.
218. 我很害怕以至於我屏住呼吸。
I was so afraid that I held my breath.
219. 建鳥巢花了幾百人三年時間。
It took hundreds of people three years to build the bird nest.
220. 長城總計 6700 公里長。
The Great Wall is 6700 kilometers long in all.
221. 你最好別站在我前面。
You had better not stand in front of me.
222. 剛才我聽見有人敲門。
I heard someone knock at the door just now.
223. 條條大路通羅馬。
All roads lead to Rome.
224. 開啟窗戶讓新鮮空氣進來。
Open the window to let fresh air in.
225. 他把水放了。
He let out the water.
226. 我們過去以蔬菜和米飯為主食。
We used to live on vegetables and rice.
227. 我們有必要展望未來。
It’s necessary for us to look ahead.
228. 他看不起別人。
He looks down upon others .
229. 我們忙於調查此事。
We are busy looking into the matter.
230. 我剛才看見他在找東西。
I saw him looking for something just now.
231. 穿過森林時當心蛇。
Look out for the snake when you get hrough the forest.
232. 我討厭女人在公共場合化妝。
I hate seeing women make up in public.
233. 該我值日了。
It’s time for me to be on duty.
234. 他的照片在全世界展覽。
His photos are on show all over the world.
235. 從前,人們以捕魚為生。
Once upon a time, people live on fishing.
236. 他很激動,上氣不接下氣地告訴我這個好訊息。
He was so excited that he told me the good news out of breath.
237. 他太懶,結果他失業了。
She is so lazy that she is out of work.
238. 我看到他經過了。
I saw him pass by.
239. 我會盡快還你錢的。
I will pay back your money as soon as possible.
240. 我幫她付了書錢。
I helped her to pay for the book.
241. 你為什麼不挑出你的書呢?
Why don’t you pick out your book?
242. 我開車接他時見到一個箱子。
I picked up a box when I picked him up.
243. 他指向門向我示意上面的一幅畫。
He pointed to the door to show me a picture on it.
244. 防禦火災爆發是很重要的。
It’s very important to prevent fire from breaking out.
245. 我們最好為未來儲存一些錢。
We had better put away some money for the future.
246. 你最好別推遲做作業。
You had better not put off doing homework.
247. 你最好穿上你的外套。
You had better put on your coat.
248. 請你把這幅畫貼在牆上好嗎?
Could you please put up this picture on the wall?
249. 我喜歡上學而不願呆在家裡。
I like going to school rather than stay at home.
250. 每人提到昨天的事。
No one referred to yesterday’s thing.
251. 我願意把你當成我的朋友。
I would like to regard you as my friend.
252. 為什麼不立刻請你老師幫忙呢?
Why not ask your teacher for help right away?
253. 你最好馬上給他回電話。
You had better ring him back right now.
254. 我一到美國就給你打電話。
I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in America.
255. 你要麼逃跑要麼投降。
You either run away or give in.
256. 他準備花光他的錢為他家買一棟房子。
He gets ready to run out of his money to buy a house for his family.
257. 我很高興我能挽救你的生命。
I am glad that I can save your life.
258. 我想要為你送行。
I would like to see you off.
259. 你必須儘快賣光所有的票。
You have to sell out all the tickets as soon as possible.
260. 你為什麼不立刻派人請醫生呢?
Why don’t you send for a doctor right now?
261. 太陽既發光又發熱。
The sun sends out both light and heat.
262. 美國過去發射過許多宇宙飛船。
America used to send up many spaceships.
263. 是該分出好壞的時候了。
It’s time to separate the good from the bad.
264. 該釋放他們的時間了。
It’s time to set them free.
265. 直到我看見他們啟程才回來。
I didn’t come back until I saw them set off.
266. 我們打算早上出發。
We are going to set out in the morning.
267. 他們肩並肩地走進了教室。
They went into the classroom side by side.
268. 我會隨身帶些錢以便買些吃的。
I will bring some money with me so as to buy something to eat.
269. 就我所知,他不但是老師還是作家。
So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer.
270. 我們的夢想遲早會實現的。
Our dream will come true sooner or later.
271. 我的車有點毛病,因此我不能加速。
There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up.
272. US 代表美國。
US stands for the United States.
273. 別說話了,該上課了。
Stop talking. It’s time for class.
274. 咱們停下來休息一下。
Let’s stop to have a rest.
275. 北京有許多名勝古蹟,比如長城、頤和園等等。
There are a lot of places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.
276. 請你把它拿走好嗎?
Would you please take it away?
277. 別緊張,我會幫你學英語的。
Take it easy! I will help you with English.
278. 屋裡很冷,你最好別脫下外套。
It’svery cold in the room, you had better not take off your coat.
279. 我們可以從容地為考試做準備。
We can take our time to get ready for the test.
280. 他取出了一些照片。
He took out some photos.
281. 昨天發生了一起交通事故。
A traffic accident took place yesterday.
282. 我取代了他。
I took the place of him.
283. 每天玩電腦遊戲佔用許多時間。
Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day.
284. 我經常一出去就關上燈。
I often turn off the light as soon as I go out.
285. 剛才我阻止他把燈開啟。
I stopped him from turning on lights just now.
286. 他把電視開得很大。
He turned up TV very loudly.
287. 我看見她在教室裡走來走去。
I saw her walk up and down in the classroom.
288. 我過去害怕黑暗。
I used to be afraid of the dark.
289. 我習慣於晚飯後去散步。
I am used to going for a walk after supper.
290. 我很抱歉讓你等了這麼長時間。
I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long time.
291. 這道數學題太難,我做不出來。
This math problem is too difficult for me to work out.
292. 我一點都不擔心我的英語。
I don’t worry about my English at all.
293. 你最好記下地址。
You had better write down the address.
294. 我會盡可能經常給你寫信。
I will write to you as often as possible.
295. 總之,忘記不高興的事,繼續努力學習。
In a word, forget the unhappy thing and keep on working hard at your lessons.
296. 我相信如果你努力,一定會成功的。
I'm sure you can be successful if you try your best.
297. 你讀的書越多,你獲得的知識就越多。
The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.
298. 很高興收到你的來信。
Nice to hear from you.
299. 只要你用心,沒有什麼是不可能的。
Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
300. 我期待你的好訊息。
I’m looking forward to your good news.
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