There are three little pigs. They live in a small house with their mother. "This house is too small. The three of you must leave home. You must build your own homes," says the mother pig one day.
The first little pig gets some hay. "I will build a house of hay," he says. "It will not be hard. My house will be easy to make. Then, I will go play."
"I will use sticks to make a house," says the second little pig. "It will be easy. Then, I will go play with my brother." The second little pig quickly builds his home. He goes outside to play.
" I will build my houseof bricks. It will take a long time," says the third little pig. He builds his house. It is hard work, but the house is strong.
One day, the three little pigs see some footprints. They are the big bad wolf's footprints. The little pigs run to their homes. They are afraid of the big bad wolf. He eats little pigs.
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig's house. The house is made of hay. "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" says the wolf.
"No way! I will not let you in," says the little pig.
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf. The wolf blows hard. The house falls down. The first little pig runs away. He runs to the second little pig's house.
The second little pig's house is made of sticks. The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house. They are both very afraid.
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf.
"No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs.
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf. The wolf blows down the second little pig's house. The stick house is easy to blow down. The two little pigs run to the third little pig's house.
The wolf goes to the third little pig's house. The house is strong. It is made of bricks. "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf."No way! We will not let you in," say the three little pigs.
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf. The wolf is hungry. He wants to eat all of the three little pigs. He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot be blown down.
The wolf is angry. "I will get all of you," says the wolf. He climbs on top of the house. He goes down the chimney. The third little pig makes a fire.
"Owwwwwwwwww!" cries the wolf. The fire burns the wolf, and he runs away. The three little pigs never see him again.
The next day, the third little pig helps his brothers. He helps them build houses. They all build houses of brick. It takes a long time, but no one can ever blow their houses down.
The wolf runs far away. He doesn't eat little pigs anymore. It is too dangerous.
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who went off to build their houses。
The first little pig built his house out of straw, which was not very strong。
The Three Little PigsThe Three Little Pigs
One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the first little pig。
“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the first pig‘s house down。
The second little pig built his house out of sticks, which were also not very strong。
One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the second little pig。
“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
And he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew the second pig‘s house down。
The third little pig built his house out of bricks, which were very strong。
One day, the big bad wolf came and said, “Little pig, little pig, let me come in。”
“Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin,” said the third little pig。
“Then I‘ll huff and I’ll puff, and I‘ll blow your house down, little pig。”
But no matter how much the wolf huffed and puffed, the house did not blow down。
So the big bad wolf said, “Little pig, I‘ll come down the chimney and eat you all up。”
But when the wolf came down the chimney, he fell into a pot of boiling water!
And the three little pigs lived happily ever after and they were all safe in the third pig’s house that was made of bricks。
The first little pig gets some hay。 "I will build a house of hay," he says。 "It will not be hard。 My house will be easy to make。 Then, I will go play。"
"I will use sticks to make a house," says the second little pig。 "It will be easy。 Then, I will go play with my brother。" The second little pig quickly builds his home。 He goes outside to play。
" I will build my houseof bricks。 It will take a long time," says the third little pig。 He builds his house。 It is hard work, but the house is strong。
One day, the three little pigs see some footprints。 They are the big bad wolf's footprints。 The little pigs run to their homes。 They are afraid of the big bad wolf。 He eats little pigs。
The big bad wolf goes to the first little pig's house。 The house is made of hay。 "Little pig, little pig, let me come in!" says the wolf。
"No way! I will not let you in," says the little pig。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。 The wolf blows hard。 The house falls down。 The first little pig runs away。 He runs to the second little pig's house。
The second little pig's house is made of sticks。 The first little pig and the second little pig are in the house。 They are both very afraid。
"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。
"No way! We will not let you in," say the two little pigs。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。 The wolf blows down the second little pig's house。 The stick house is easy to blow down。 The two little pigs run to the third little pig's house。
The wolf goes to the third little pig's house。 The house is strong。 It is made of bricks。 "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!" says the wolf。"No way! We will not let you in," say the three little pigs。
"If you don't let me in, I will blow your house down!" says the wolf。 The wolf is hungry。 He wants to eat all of the three little pigs。 He blows and blows and blows and blows, but the house cannot be blown down。
The wolf is angry。 "I will get all of you," says the wolf。 He climbs on top of the house。 He goes down the chimney。 The third little pig makes a fire。
"Owwwwwwwwww!" cries the wolf。 The fire burns the wolf, and he runs away。 The three little pigs never see him again。
The next day, the third little pig helps his brothers。 He helps them build houses。 They all build houses of brick。 It takes a long time, but no one can ever blow their houses down。
The wolf runs far away。 He doesn't eat little pigs anymore。 It is too dangerous。
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