1. It is absolutely my pleasure to attend this interview.
2. I am an outgoing and easygoing person who likes making friends.
3. I have plenty of work experience as a front desk receptionist in a hotel.
4. I have also worked as a waitress in a night club as well.
5. Working in your hotel, I consider this is a wonderful opportunity for me to improve my skills and English.
6. I really look forward to such a challenge in my career.
Hello/ Hi 你好
1. — How do you do? 你好 ***用於初次見面***
— How do you do? 你好
2. — How are you? 你好嗎?
— Fine, thank you. And you? 我很好,謝謝。你呢?
— I’m fine, too. 我也很好。
3. — Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。
— Nice to meet you, too. 見到你我也很高興。
4. — Good morning, sir/madam. 早上好,先生/女士。
— Good afternoon 下午好
— Good evening 晚上好
Self- Introduction ***自我介紹***
Can you introduce yourself?/ Can you say something about yourself?
What’s your name? / May I have your name please?
How old are you?/ What’s your age?
Where is your hometown?/ Where are you from?/ Where do you come from?
— When and where did you graduated?
— I graduated from Luoyang No.2 Vocational secondary school/senior high school in 2007.
我是2007年畢業於洛陽第二中等專業學校/ 高中。
— What are your hobbies?/ In your spare time, what do you like to do?
— My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, surfing the internet, shopping, running, climbing mountains, watching TV, playing football, playing basketball, playing tennis, singing and dancing, etc.
— What’s your character?
— I’m an optimistic/ lovely/gentle/ upright/ honest/ patient/ easy-going/ shy person.
我是一個開朗的/ 可愛的/ 溫柔的/ 正直的/ 誠實的/ 耐心的/ 隨和的/ 害羞的人。
— What’s your strength?
— I am a honest and positive person, work hard, willing to learn.
— What’s your weakness?
— I’m a stubborn girl. / I’m a timid girl, because I am scared of snake*** mouse***./ I’m easy to forget things./ I’m a shy boy.
我是個倔強的女孩兒。/我是個膽小的女孩,因為我害怕蛇***老鼠***。/我很容易忘事。/ 我是個害羞的男孩兒。
— What kind of books do you like to read?
— I like reading magzines, novels, newspapers and love stories.
Personnel Questions ***個人問題***
— Are you married?
— No, I’m a single.
— Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?
你有男朋友/ 女朋友嗎?
— No, I haven’t.
Apologize ***道歉用語***
Sorry, I can’t understand./ I can’t catch you./ I can’t hear you very clearly.
對不起,我不懂。/ 我聽得不是很清楚。
Could you repeat it again?
Could you speak slowly please?
Pardon? / I beg your pardon?
Family situation ***家庭問題***
— How many people in your family?
— There are five people in my family. They are my parents, elder brother, younger sister and I. I love my family very much. They agree with me to go to Singapore, and also will be happy for me.
我家裡有五口人。他們是我的父母、哥哥、妹妹。 我很愛我的家人。他們同意我去新加坡工作,而且也會為我感到高興的。
— What does your parents do?
— They are workers.
— When you come over to Singapore, who will take care of your family members?
— My parents have jobs, and they are very healthy, my brothers and sisters also can take care of themselves. So I don’t worried about that.
— Do you have any relatives or friends in Singapore?
— No, I haven’t.
- If you miss your family, what will you do?
- I will call them.
- 我會給他們打電話的
Interview Diction***面試問題***
—Have you ever been to Singapore or any other countries?
—No, I haven’t./ Yes, I have been to Japan for 3 years.
沒有。/ 是的,我曾經去過日本三年。
—Why do you want to go to Singapore?
—First, Singapore is a beautiful***漂亮的***, clean***乾淨的***, and developed***發達的*** garden city***花園城市***, I like it very much. Second, I can accumulate***積累*** some abroad working experience***國外工作經驗***, so it is very useful for my future***未來***. Third, the most important reason is that I can earn more money***掙錢*** there.
—Do you have any working experience? / What have you work as before?
你有工作經驗嗎?/ 你之前是做什麼工作的?
—I work Luoyang hotel as a waitress now. Luoyang hotel is a three-star hotel***三星級酒店*** with beverage, guest rooms and entertainment***集餐飲、娛樂、客房為一體***.
—What’s your mainly duties?/ What’s your job scope in your past job?/ What do you do there?
—My mainly duties are doing preparation work before dinner***做餐前的準備工作***, like setting table***擺臺***, cleaning the dinning environment***清潔就餐環境***. Receiving guests***迎賓***, guiding them to their seats***引座***, ordering food***點餐*** and introducing specialties***介紹特色菜品***, serving***上菜*** and closing accounts***結賬***. Moverover, I will providing good service during dinner time, including pouring teas and wines***斟茶倒酒***, changing dishes***更換骨碟*** so as to satisfied with the cusomers***讓顧客滿意***.
—How do you serve the customer normally?/ Treat me like a customer, how would you serve me?
通常你會怎樣的方式去服務你的客人?/ 假如我是客人,你會以怎樣的方式招待我?
—First, welcome***歡迎*** the guests to our hotel warmly***熱情的*** and guide them to their seats***引座***. Then take orders***點餐***, including ordering food and introducing specialties***介紹特色菜品***. And I will providing good service***提供優質的服務*** for them during dinner time. Next, help guests to pay for the bill***結賬***. Finally, I will say thank you for your coming, see you next time/again***歡迎下次光臨***.
—What are your favorite food/ drink?
你最喜歡的食物/ 飲料是什麼?
—I like eating vegetables***蔬菜***, meat***beef, pork, mutton***, rice, bread, milk, coffee, coco-cola***可口可樂***, seven-up***七喜***, ice-cream***冰激淋***, hamburger***漢堡***, fried-chicken***炸雞***, egg, and fruits, etc.
—What’s the specialties in your hotel?
—Braised prawns, fruit salads, and sea food and so on.
- 服務員英語面試
- 簡短表白情書
- 關於介紹介休美景的優秀作文
- 膝上型電腦顯示螢幕不亮怎麼辦
- 高考語文字音字形歸納總結
- 計算機專業自我介紹範文3篇
- 孔子試顏回的故事_孔子與顏回的故事
- 兒童衛生間裝修效果圖
- 校園文藝演出活動總結
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- 初中生的必背古詩摘錄
- 幼兒園小班上學期的老師精選教學工作計劃範文
- 家居衛生間裝修圖片
- 初中生寫景作文評語
- 布藝手工製作變形托特包的方法
- 陳太丘與友期文言文閱讀答案
- 好看的簡筆畫圖片大全花草類_花草類簡筆畫圖片
- 節約水資源手抄報高中
- 寫雪的文章
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字