注意, 有下劃線的地方是說明,你可以按照題目的要求換一些詞。
用於應對以下情況:1,最美好的回憶。2,最喜歡或最有用的一本書。3,最喜歡或對你最重要的一樣物品***說你喜歡的物品是一本書,然後就可以轉 成 2 ***3,一次旅行。4,最想去的地方***注意這裡需要轉換時態到將來時***。5,朋友……還有其他題目可以用這個模板,大家自己拿口語80題都套套,這就不一一 舉例了。
Well, 題目 , First, It always reminds me of some sweetest memories I spent in a small town in Santa Babara. It has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It also reminds me of some friends in this small town, one of them give me a book, I cherish this book as much as I cherish our friendship.
1,空閒時間去幹什麼。 2,週末和朋友一起去哪玩……
Well, 題目 ,First, it has a very mysterious mountain perhaps with a panoramic view over a river or the lights of the city. I just sat on the top of the mountain quietly and dwarfed by the stunning beauty of the setting sun. What’s more, It is a very free place where I can choose my favorite dishes, I can have some red, warmming wine twinkling in a beauty glasses. The aroma and flavor filling my sense.
首先。我們要明確一下"細節"或"例子"所指的是什麼。《官方指南》明確要求在第一題中,"You should include specific details and/or examples"***p. 167***去支撐理由,而具體怎麼操作,《官方指南》也給出了範例,比如167頁的例題:"Choose a teacher you admire and explain why you admire him or her. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation."在針對這道題的分析當中,《官方指南》指出在說原因時可以說是這位教師表現出了很獨特的個人品質,而後面的細節就應該是對此進行描述或者提出相關證據:"occasions when you noticed it, the effect it had on you, and so forth"***p. 168***。由此看來,考生在提供具體細節時不一定是要講一個故事,也可以是具體的現象、場合或影響。根據官方的這種要求,一般可以用兩種方法迅速擴充套件細節:分層法和列舉法。
對於託福口語第一題考試時間分配來說,分層法是最為普通也是最為有效的方法。分層法是指先將理由資訊縮小到一個更具體的範圍,然後再迅速給出細節的方法,這些常用的具體範圍可包括"學習"、"生活"、"思想"三方面。一般來講,理由資訊越是抽象越是不容易給出細節。比如說之前2012年1月14日那道人物題--要求考生描述最喜歡花時間相處的人,我們用之前的方法已經很快可以確定物件和理由,但關於人物特徵的理由往往會比較抽象,比如有考生會回答這個人是"my father",原因之一是"He is open-minded"。在這裡open-minded的細節如何給出會讓考生感到頭疼。那麼我們先把open-minded這個詞分層,比如將其範圍縮小到"學習"上,什麼樣的現象可以證明在"學習"方面是open-mined的呢?這時很多同學就會立即想到"不會因為孩子一次考試不好就責備孩子"這樣的例項,而大學生往往也會想到"尊重孩子對自己學習專業的選擇"等具體情況。如果將這個詞範圍縮小到"生活"上,又會有同學馬上想到"尊重孩子的興趣愛好和生活習慣"等等可以舉例的角度。照此看來,所謂"思想"上的open-minded也不難猜測了,一般定是與尊重孩子的某一想法有關。同學們在這項練習中往往會發現一個神奇的事實:先分層次,例子竟會如泉水般從頭腦中湧出。
列舉法則是直接列舉出具體的體現,對於託福口語第一題考試時間也是很有幫助的。比如要證明"My father is very talented", 則可以直接擺出以下事實:"He read a lot of classical literature works in his youth and he can play three kinds of music instruments"。 如要證明"My father is forward-looking",也可以直接陳述以下事例:"My father thought it was a smart move to send me to study abroad, so he taught me English when I was little"。列舉的事實可以成為分層後的例項,也可以單獨使用。兩種方法如果都能夠熟練掌握或者融會貫通,勢必會幫助考生在黃金15秒之內完成基本的準備工作。
for starters 第一點,用於代替常用的firstly, first of all等等
more importantly 更重要的是, 用於代替second, for another thing...等等
the icing on the cake 更棒的是,超級加分用法!一定要掌握的說法
E.g. describe a job you would like to pursue in the future. Use specific details and examples to illustrate why you want to get this job.
Speaking of my future job, I would like to be a marketing director in a global top company.
For starters, it is definitely a chanllenging job which can make me feel fulfilled! This job will make me completely understand the ture meaning of "a sense of satisfaction and achievement." The icing on the cake is that the high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits will meet my material demands! And I can also build up a network of professinal contacts when I work with PR agency and institutes, which is quite important in this whole industry!
On the top of it, this field has great career prospects! These are what I love about my job and give me strong incentive to work even harder. And I believe this job helps me to realize my full potential!
for starters 第一點
sense of satisfaction and achievement 成就感和滿足感
The icing on the cake 更棒的是
high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits 高收入,豐厚的年終獎和誘人的福利待遇
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