1. I find the best tool for the purpose is a pair of shears.
2. I found to my cost that being a director of the company meant a great deal of worry and responsibility.
3. Soon you will find that the joy of mediation is enough.
4. Make a batch of fresh lemonade or limeade.
5. I have discovered that carpenters have one - track minds.
6. I have found that doing a little exercise can do a great deal of good.
7. I discovered an addiction to housework which I had never felt before.
8. I find that I just can'tfit in regular domestic work.
9. I found him in the garden, dreaming away as usual.
10. I have found out how to make the cake.
11. She soon found that she had made a bad bargain.
12. But you'd find him a good worker if you showed him what to do.
13. These nuts have been market tested and found to be most suited to the Australian palate.
14. I found that what I was doing was no good, so I made a fresh start.
我發現我所做的都沒用, 所以我又從頭幹起.
15. After John found farming unprofitable, he moved to town and turned his hand to carpentry.
約翰發現務農無利可圖後, 他就搬到城裡開始做木匠.
Discover trends, get advice and find out what other businesses are doing
I thought I was great at looking people in the eye but recently found that I hadn’t been doing itmuch recently.
All you need is deep within you:it is an inner fire waiting to unfold and reveal itself. All you have to do is be still and take time to seek what is within , and you will surely find it.
"When I thought about it, I realized that the more I worked, the less I got," she said.
Other documents released by the committee earlier this month revealed that a Fed analysisfound deficiencies in the due diligence conducted by Bank of America prior to the Merrill deal.
In Toastmasters, I often find new visitors hesitate to take larger roles. They often tell me thatthey are “too busy” to take on the added work.
Miss Small: I've got several good reasons. I've been here several years, my work has proven tobe good, and I've noticed that people in comparable jobs get paid more than I do.
A 1987 study by researchers David P. Phillips and John S. Wills found that about 100 fewersuicides occur on holidays than other days of the year.
I did some tests on both Windows XP and Mac OS X ***Snow Leopard***. GE 5.1 was much morelikely to hold faster frame rates while moving over the Earth than previous versions.
Early in the financial crisis, investors who put money into ARS deals lost billions when banksstopped making a market in them and investors found the securities were largely illiquid.
Spend some time browsing nonprofit videos for ideas about what you can do. Most likely youwill come across something with a style or tone that you think is perfectly appropriate for yourmessage.
Define your problem. Grab a sheet of paper, electronic notebook, computer or whatever youuse to make notes, and define your problem in detail.
Math is a lot easier to pick up after you know how to program. In fact, if you're a halfway decentprogrammer, you'll find it's almost a snap.
Let me mention some things not to do. The number one thing not to do is other things.
But quizzing others about current and past relationships revealed the opposite to be true, with the man saying the phrase first 61.5 per cent of the time.
Nelson Demille說“當我們面對面直視他們時,惡魔便不再如我們想的那樣可怕了.”你做了一些嚇到你的事情後,你就會發現它並非如你所想的一樣糟.所有的憂慮都會隨時間而消逝.
After you do something that scares you, you’ll probably find it wasn’t as bad as you thought.With time, all your worry will dissipate.
當你沒有自信時,要假裝你很自信***也許通過一些好象你已經很有自信的動作***. 一直這樣做下去,你會發現你的這種假裝的自信很快會變成真正的自信.
If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don't ***perhaps by acting like you've alreadygot what you want*** and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into realconfidence.
When you analyze extremely small things, like quarks and elements of atoms... and when youcompare them to extremely large things, like stars and galaxies...they're oddly similar.
研究發現,剛做父親的男性患抑鬱症的總體比例為10.4%,為一般群體男性12個月 中患抑鬱症比例的兩倍,後者的比例為4.8%。
The study put the overall rate of depression among new fathers at 10.4 per cent - double the estimated 4.8 per cent for all men in any 12-month period.
But she fell under the spell of her instructor, Stephanie B. Stockwell, a microbiologist fromJames Madison University, and found herself fascinated by the antimicrobial substances shehandled.
After earning his bachelor’s in history from the College at Brockport, he found himself living inhis parents’ Buffalo home, working the same $7.25-an-hour waiter job he had in high school.
And about 4.3 meters down we made a very interesting discovery: evidence of how the earliestinhabitants at Ceibal built their already fairly large buildings.
An online survey conducted by Sohu found that 44.9 per cent of 1,911 respondents favoured using ID to set up mobile phone accounts, and 42.1 per cent opposed it.
In many ways, the .NET ecosystem stands about five years behind that of the Java community,as .NET developers discover the same pain points Java developers faced five years prior.
A 2008 CDC survey found that 25.4 percent of all U.S. adults did not spend any of their freetime being physically active.
A 2008 CDC survey found that 25.4 percent of all U.S. adults did not spend any of their freetime being physically active.
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