


  1. come back tolife

  2. come from

  3. come in

  4. come off

  5. come on

  6. come out

  7. come over

  8. come true

  9. come up

  10. come up to

  11. come up with

  12. communicate with


  1. compare...with...

  2. compare to

  3. complain about

  4. concentrate on

  5. congratulate sb on sth

  6. continue doing sth

  7. count down

  8. cut down

  9. cut in line

  10. cut off

  11. cut one's hair

  12. cut out


  1. cut up

  2. by accident 偶然

  3. on account of 因為,由於

  4. in addition 另外

  5. in addition to 除 …… 之外

  6. in the air 在流行中,在傳播中

  7. on ***the/an*** average 平均,一般來說

  8. on the basis of 根據,在 …… 的基礎上

  9. at ***the*** best 充其量,至多

  10. for the better 好轉,改善

  11. on board 在船 *** 車、飛機 *** 上

  12. out of breath 喘不過氣來

  13. on business 因公,因事

  14. in any case 無論如何,總之

  15. in case of 假使,萬一

  16. in case 假如,以防 *** 萬一 *** 免得

  17. in no case 決不

  18. by chance 偶然,碰巧

  19. in charge ***of*** 負責,主管

  20. ***a*** round the clock 晝夜不停地

  21. in common 共用,共有,共同

  22. in conclusion 最後,總之

  23. on condition that 在 …… 條件下

  24. in confidence 信任

  25. in connection with/to 關於

  26. in consequence 因此,結果

