My Pet Cat 我的貓咪
I have a pet cat. Her name is Fatty, means fat. Actually, she looks like her name. Fatty is so fat and round that makes her looks like a ball. Her fur is mainly white and there is little brown color. Fatty eats little but she is lazy. She often stays under the sofa and doesn’t move a little for a long time. I like hold it and play. She likes it, too. My families love her as I do. Fatty is a member of us.
My Pets 我的寵物***兔子***
I like animals very much. Rabbit is my favorite. I have two lovely rabbits.
I like their round head, long ears, shorts legs and tail. Both of my rabbits are white. I think white rabbits are clean. I have to wash them every day. They like to eat vegetables. I always feed them on my hands.
My Pet 我的寵物
I have a lovely pet. It's a small cat. It's name is Candy, because it looks like a candy. It has white and black colors. It's smaller than general cats. When I first saw it in the market, I liked it. Therefore, I begged my mother bought it to me and I succeeded. It has come to my home for three months. It is attracted. Everyone come to my home likes to play with it. It hides under the sofa or bed often. When I call it, it would react to me. Sometimes, it would walk to me quietly. I like my cat very much.
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