If you want to know how I love to read a book? Oh, is this: when I first got in first grade, I found that many students in the class is very rich in knowledge, know the earth's poles have polar days and nights; Know that in the tropical rainforest life all kinds of animals; Know sea area is much larger than the land on earth... I can be jealous, then consult encyclopedia of class - zhuo-ran li: excuse me, how can your knowledge so rich? He simply answered seven words: read more books, of course! After I have listened, surprised extremely. Very not easy look forward to the weekend, I command my mother took me to the book building, got there, I immediately came to the children's section, take a lot of books, sit down, quietly watching, gradually, I found the book knowledge, in truth, colorful, astronomy, geography, painting... This is greatly satisfy my seeking knowledge desire, is determined to put these knowledge.
Soon, I was a little bookworm. At home, on the toilet reading, reading before you go to sleep, even can't help but look at his eyes when having a meal. In school, that's not to mention, I also don't want to waste a little time to go out to play.
My hobby is very special, it is a flute, may seem easy, it's very hard. Let me tell you the story.
Starting from the age of six, I bought a toy flute. At that time I didn't study flute, don't know the fingering, just think it's fun to like it. Wait to hear about the flute training class, and I will make and give me a quote to my mother. Mother said: "can you really hold on to the end?" I said firmly: "mommy, I really like it, don't give up halfway like piano." I am serious look like my mother, give me a quote the flute training course.
So, I started to learn flute. The first few classes were taken a blow notes "Ti" four times, second again, too boring! Don't want to practice. And then one class, the teacher praised me very well! But I remember more than just practice again! I told the matter with the teacher, the teacher laughed, said: "yes! Is you blow more credit for this again! As long as you practice, will eventually blow better!" From then on, as soon as I have time to the flute, was praised by his teacher.
I like reading and drawing, because these two hobbies can bring me much happiness. Reading can let me swim in the ocean of knowledge, let me to gain the power of knowledge; And painting can let me on the paper fully express their mood, adjust the nerves, defuse anger and sorrow.
For me, painting is the moderator of the mood. Remember once I quarreled with my classmates, in the mind has been moping around, also do not have idea to do my homework after I came home from school, read a book also look not to come in. At this moment I thought of the drawing, I found pen, painting? I want to want to draw a picture of "prairie". Enjoy good painting after I got up and looked at wide flat prairie, the in the mind have a feeling of intimacy, the mood is also good to get up.
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