



  I have many hobbies, such as playing tennis, writing stories and climbing mountains. Tennis is my favorite sports. I join the tennis club. I go there to play tennis twice a week. I think it is good for my health and can help me relax. I often write stories on weekends. I feel very happy when I finish a story. I climb mountains once a week. It is cool and exciting.



  ***Animal World, Sports Show, Soap Opera***

  What do you think of Animal World? For me, I like to watch it very much. I expect to know many interesting animals from it. But, my sister doesn’t love watching it, because she thinks it is boring. My father and I really love the Sports Show. We think it makes us exciting. What does my mother like best? She likes Soap Operas. She thinks they are enjoyable but I think they are meaningless. I can’t stand them.



  My best friend is Tina. We look the same in some ways, but we are different

  from each other in some ways. We both have black eyes and black hair. I am as tall as Tina. However, she is thinner than me, because she eats healthier food. She is more outgoing and hard-working than me. She always get better grades. Tina is the most beautiful girl in my class. She always wears the smartest clothes. So, she is one of the most popular students in our class. I am glad to make a friend with her.


  假如你是王娜,今天你去學校英語角練習口語,英語角討論的話題是“My Summer vacation“


  1 在家待了一週:做作業,練習鋼琴

  2 去看望祖父母:陪他們聊天,幫他們做家務

  3 去大連旅遊:游泳,購物……

  I had an interesting summer vacation. I stayed at home for a week. I did my homewor k first. And I practiced the piano. Then I went to visit my grandparents by train. I stayed there for five days. I talked with them and helped them do some homework. After that, I went to Dalian with my parents. We swam in the sea and took a walk on the beach. We went shopping and ate some special food, too. We really enjoyed ourselves there.

