# Decades Group of companies CFO experience; ***Comment: The most prominent, the core of the work experience, as the whole CV summary***
# Proficient in modern enterprise with strong financial management and financial management theory and practice;
# Group of companies having to manage a number of different geographical points, a subsidiary of work experience;
# Have excellent financial management skills to provide accurate and complete financial data analysis and opinions from financial supervision, financial control and financial support of the angle of major decisions of enterprises;
# Strong internal audit capacity, for implementation of a comprehensive budget system has a strong practical experience;
# Abundant financing, taxation aspects of network resources;麵人脈資源;
# Keen insight and data analysis capabilities;
# Strong sense of responsibility and good professional ethics;
# Proactive, ability to work independently and have good communication skills;
# Have a CPA, international senior financial management qualification;
# Comprehensive budget management has participated in the organization of industry experts, capital operation, investment and financing operations of SMEs operating overseas listing process and other advanced training classes.
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