Jay Chou always has a great passion for challenging himself. Apart from being the most successful pop singer&song writer these days, he also has been in the movies as actor and been some TV programs like 'Mr. J' an entertainment program as host as well as DJ of '唉喲DJ' in the radio. After being an actor for a while, he started shooting the films by himself to try his potentials as director and script writer. The movies of ' A secrete cannot tell' and ' The rooftops' were both written, directed and played by himself. Among the various professions he has been trying so far, none of them is really as impressive as his singer career. However his vigorous attitude ever towards challenges is certainly worth learning.
Jay Chou is a talented singer and producer.He became famous for his special traditional chinese style R and B.The lyrics of his songs are written by his long term partner Fangwenshan.It is really refreshing to listen to his songs at first time.Now he stepped his feet into movie field.He lead-roled the famous movie"Initial D" which got nationwide good review.So he is a superstar,and I love him very much.
He is quite and shy. He doesn't smile very often, but he is friendly to others. When you talk to him about music, he will have a lot to say. This is Jay Chou, my favourite Taiwanese POPsinger.
Chou grew up with his mother. He didn't talk much and did badly in many school subjects. When he was only three, his mother sent him to learn piano, and he loved it.
Chou is not very handsome. But he is really good at music, he can write his own songs, and he never follows others.
I like Longquan best of his songs, and is moves my heart.
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